Central Mercantile Registry

What steps I must give abrir my own company? In Spain, to create a company it is necessary to fulfill several proceedings bureaucratic. The objective of this process is to be properly constituted before the state and your clients and suppliers. For it formats from company denominated legal forms exist different. Each legal form requires different steps. Although many exist, can be divided in two general blocks.

First of all, the legal forms without own organization (communities of goods, unipersonal industralists ) only require to be register before the public property. It is necessary to register themselves in i.a.e and to ask for a fiscal number of identification in property. It already can initiate the activity. For the other group, the societies, the process is something more complex. Click Time Warner to learn more. This is a summary of the steps to follow: 1. To choose the name society and to obtain the certificate to it of reserve of the same of the Central Mercantile Registry. 2. Abrir in a bank an account to name of the future society.

3. In the banking account abierta each partner must enter the money corresponding to his contribution to the share capital of the company. 4. In order to carry out the constitution of the society he must himself know clearly: The name of the society. The identification of the partners. The contributed capital and its distribution between the partners. The type of administration organ. Granting of powers. The statutes of government of the society (the rules that govern their conduct). 5. The hour arrives to sign the constitution writing before the notary. 6. Once signed it is necessary to register the writing in the mercantile registry of the province where it is constituted. 7. Once registered, the society must ask for the discharge in i.a.e and request the C.I.F in property. 8. To take to the bank copies of the constitution writing and its mercantile title deed to unblock the account and to incorporate the data of the administrators. Once finished to these steps the bank it will release the bottoms and the company will be able to initiate its activity. Here you will be able to find more information on like creating a company. Original author and source of article.