How To Change

The world around us with its inexplicable processes, changes, conflicts of daily builds wall in front of us and unsolvable problems solvable. These problems take up all our time and effort. We sometimes do not even have a free minutes to stop, think, razobraztsya, to assess the situation and figure out what to do. And if such a minute and falls, we ALL still understand that the little that we can change. Do we control the causes of of trouble? Sometimes it seems that we have no control over not only a global problem, but also over their personal interests. So is there a solution? Let's try as much as possible, describe the reality in which live. After all, as they say, well formulated problem – this is half the solution.

Where do us all the information? Of our five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. Please note that the key word here – ours. That is all that we see, feel and learn in our lives – a set of information flows we receive from our senses and are processed by our brain. We can assume that the whole of reality is entirely within us. Man – the embodiment of this reality, imagine a world in miniature. Perhaps if we had other senses, we would feel a different world, but this can only guess. You can also only speculate about what lies outside, beyond us, because we can identify only what they themselves feel.

And the fact that we do not feel – for us has no effect. Thus, we can assume that all the changes that take place in the world, quickly or slowly, bad or good side – is, in fact the changes within us. That we are growing, changing, mudreem and start a different look at one and the same thing on a different attitude towards others. The fact that sometime it was very important to us, eventually becoming negligible. What was once could hurt us badly, now sometimes causes a smile. So what is changing the world or are we? Good or bad our world – depends on our perception. To change something in our lives, we must first of all, this is a change in his perception of his relation to reality, to others. Collapse, as is well known – in heads. Therefore, if we are inside a 'cleaned up', respectively, adjusting our perception, and life will come to order. Alexander Gurov What we can really change a life