Like Making Pancakes For Coeliac

The coeliac ones have many difficulties to obtain meals apt for them without TACC, that is to say flour of wheat, barley, rye and oats. In fact they can acquire salty meals to sidereal prices and the homemade foods of first instance never are flavorful until after several attempts but the coeliac one needs to feed itself and if it is in the search of a sweet food the difficulty increases very many because all sweet food is made with wheat flour which represents a poison for its altered intestine. In the same way elaboration makes difficult often homemade of foods sweet by the same reason, that is to say that the allowed flours are difficult to manipulate if the due experience is not had, which obvious is acquired after to have tried several times to be able to obtain a good prescription for coeliac. For that reason we are going here to develop a easy prescription of pancakes or crepes that soon it can fill up with any sweet milk candy or, jam and all whatever pleases to him and also they can filled up with ham and cheese stops a salty food.In order to begin we placed in bowl or container sifted maize starch to which we are going to add eggs to him. We mix the ingredients to homogenise beating them them with a possesor and we added a salt pinch to him and we are to him adding water or milk preferably this last one to make them more substantial, the amount necessary to obtain the consistency of pancakes. Once list the mixture we placed in the frying pan a little butter we placed and it on the fire to add a little the mixture with a bucket we would do since it with the common pancakes. Once they are noticed spanish stews of a side we give return it with a trowel and if we have much practice, we make jump to the pancake so that it falls of the opposite side we let and it cook. Thus we are making pancake by pancake to fill up it with the candy that we wish or the salty one according to the pleasure..