Mendoza Province

The province of Mendoza counts on tourist enchantments in its four cardinal points. All the tourist zones of this province extend before the tourist the great range of attractive that is worth the pain to know. The vacations in Mendoza never will be equal to each other, due to the inexhaustible menu of options to pass it well that only the province cuyana is able to offer. The North tourist zone of the province is composed by the departments of Lujn of Whose, Lavalle and the Heras. It is the zone par excellence of valleys, the high summits and mountain the landscapes of the mountain range and premountain range mendocinas. The department of Lujn of Whose account with the Potrerillos dock, one of most significant of the province cuyana. It takes the name due to the valley where one is, the one of Potrerillos, gorgeous landscape of premountain range to 70 km of the capital of Mendoza.

The location of the dock, surrounded by an imposing mountainous frame quickly turned, it into a point of deep attraction for the tourism, that arrives there until practicing all type of sports aquatic, like windsurf, boating, fishes and rafting. Or simply to enjoy the incredible beauty and serenity of the Andean landscape. With its fourteen kilometers in length, the Potrerillos dock is, next to the dock Cipoletti, the person in charge to provide water to all the great Mendoza. And the person in charge of the ebullient foliage of the woods of the provincial capital. The department of the Heras has a challenging circuit of high mountain that is worth the pain to cross, but surprises mainly by its intense nocturnal and commercial life. It soothes of the international airport of the Plumerillo, was there where it gave to beginning the historical sanmartiniana epic of the crossing of the $andes, as they testify the museum and the retort of the camping of the army of liberation well. Already in the limit with the province of San Juan, the department of Lavalle is where the desert and the oasis embrace.

Here, attractive the landscaping ones pass through the Teltecas Forests and the great variety of their flora and its fauna. In this zone of Mendoza, the nourishing industry unfolds all their development: numerous factories of conserves and dryers of fruit touches to the tourist with their products. And they do not lack either, of course, the warehouses, a classic soul and heart of the landscape cuyano that today offer, also, some of the most original lodgings in Mendoza.