Air Festival Lanterns In Thailand

Air lanterns are also known to many as the sky lanterns, flying lanterns and flashlights desires are quite common in Asian countries. Flying lanterns operate on the principle of the balloon. Traditionally, they made of rice paper and bamboo base, as the burner is impregnated with wax bumaga.Teplo coming from the fuel cell is attached at the base of the flashlight filled balloon with hot air and Torch takes off smoothly into the sky. Living in Northern Thailand ancient times run air lanterns during religious celebrations and other special occasions. Only in the north, you see that tradition in full volume, in all its scope, but at the same time and participate in it. This tradition is called Yi Peng, she came from Burma, which borders the northern provinces of Thailand, and has not received distribution in central and southern provinces of the kingdom. Unique and fabulous spectacle can be seen in the sky during the festival Loykrakhtong, when the sky rush thousands of air lanterns. During the launch of a flying torch passed guessing desire to be closer to the sky and be sure to come true.

According to many taylandtsy, especially Buddhists, sky lanterns symbolize the problems and troubles. Running the Chinese flying lanterns into the sky you broke with their problems and troubles. Present fairy lanterns in temples and the monks is a tradition, since donors will receive education in the answer, because the fire inside the ball symbolizes wisdom. The lights of the ball show them the true path. You will have good luck if extinguished torch of heaven will land on your site.

The tradition of flying lanterns run and came to Russia. Sky lanterns in the shape of a heart run love during the wedding. On the day of birth, many prefer to run sky lanterns instead of fireworks. Along with flashlights for each aircraft the opportunity to light in the sky, their own star!