
On the other hand the city reproduces the segregation, because the valuation on account of the appropriation of different form, as for example, the poor population is without option when the habitation is mentioned to live and with dignity as they do not obtain they finish secluding it the outskirts of the city next them workstations when it is the case. The book ' ' The Right-hander the Cidade' ' , over all, she is a critical one to the State that reproduces the segregation in the cities through the proper system that imposed It on the society. Thus the fabric urban was if transforming into a space where the differences of classrooms are sufficiently visible, therefore many do not possess the right to live with dignity. On the basis of the book of Henri Lefebvre, ' ' The Right the Cidade' ' , the city is not the result only of substance, but yes, the result of the relations of the human beings, becoming a dynamic space where it has great material integration and life human being. Of this form, it happens and the city passes to exist and to correspond to the necessities of the people who coexist in it, thus the space of the city if it materializes and it receives life through the relations human beings who occur. Francis Ford Coppola oftentimes addresses this issue. The city a space of them you vary actions that happen for the existing inhabitants. Thus it creates its signs, the proper language in accordance with its inhabitants, adds values that each time makes more attracts capitals and formation of urban nets, everything that if create are vendido, becoming the dynamic space as if the city for if only had proper life.

The semiolgica analysis gains dimensions and the connector link between the inhabitants. From when the cities they had started to develop and the population to grow in quantitative numbers, attracted in virtue of the industrial growth, appeared many social problems. Thus the fabric urban was each more disordered time, resulted of the capitalism that exactly bringing the territorial division of the work was not enough to change the life of the poor people who live in the cities. From there then the segregation of the cities and the proliferation of the social problems. According to author, into the considered countries democratic more transforms this in utopias in the desusado direction in demagogy, therefore the segregation continued and the State acts as if she was superficially and the companies low dust transforming the inhabitants dependent of the society. The laboring classroom that throughout the time if appropriated of the life in the city in fact does not coexist in it, but yes in the ghettos of the poverty, in the slum quarters. Evident that the philosophy and other sciences do not go to give account of this, in the truth this is a model tax for the State. The book of Lefebvre ' ' The Right the Cidade*' ' ' indicated to all those that if to interest mainly for a so excellent subject as he is this and for the students of the course of Geography.

La Boca

Brothels and sailor bars are at home of tango and the music reflects the language of the environment. Some Cafes are good to see dancing: z.B Cafe Tortini in AV. Further details can be found at Chicago, an internet resource. de Mayo 825 or Foro Gandhi in AV. Box Office can aid you in your search for knowledge. Corrientes. In some clubs you can dance Tango also: z.B in La Viruta,. Armenia 1366 or Salon canning in Scalabrini Ortiz 1331.

The ticket prices are between 5 and 20 dollars, depending on whether the music is live, but you have to pay that mostly only on weekends. Here you can also ask for dance classes. And also to recommending Museo vivo del Tango in Piedras 720. Cultural Center of Argentina is the most beautiful places of Buenos Aires Buenos Aires: Teatro Colon is it small experimental theatres, more than a hundred museums, trade fairs and exhibitions, many music clubs and bookstores. The jazz lovers will be happy here: programs are varied jazz, and you can find always a concert of one of the local artists such as Oscar Aleman, Mono Villegas, Gato Barbieri, Roberto Fernandez Fats, Pierre Hugo, Jorge Navarro and Gustavo Bergalli.

Tortoni Cafe in Avenida de Mayo 825 in Badr Aires years 1858, the facade of the ancient House impresses with its architecture. Tortoni became a meeting place for intellectual and famous personalities and on the pictures you can see the history of the Cafes. Today There are many events and jazz and Tango concerts. Is worth a visit the Giralda Cafe, in Avenida Corrientes in 1453, which is one of the oldest cafes in the 18th century, the also was a meeting place for intellectuals. Today, it is a place where students meet. The ambience is especially feels very comfortable, the coffee tastes great and prices despite the reputation is quite normal! Very beautiful is the Church Nuestra Senora de los inmigrantes in Necochea 312 (La Boca). This church reminiscent of the not always easy fates of immigrants from different countries.

Business Management Solutions

20/10/1909 a Madrid. Who is not renewed, it dies. For this reason mundoFranquicia Consulting, aware of the importance of innovation as a growth factor for the Spanish franchise has organized with Qurius, a specialist in systems implementations and business management solutions leading supplier of Microsoft Dynamics in Spain and Europe, a practical and interesting Seminar on November 3rd called a Innovacion technology applied to the management of franquiciasa . a Cada day becomes more necessary to use and herramientasa possibilities offered by technology to grow a business, and franchising, as such, must be uploaded to this carroa , a said Paul Gutierrez "idea Consulting Managing Partner mundoFranquicia Consulting. appropriations by that we want to bring this practical and informative journey from the hands of the best professionals, innovative solutions and management utilesa he adds. The meeting will take place from 9:30 am at the headquarters of Microsoft Iberica. In terms of content that will draw: a UA a 9:30-10:00 – Franchise market analysis, the importance of technology in the growth and management of franchises. Speaker: D.

Pablo Gutierrez a "Consulting Managing Partner of consulting mundoFranquicia idea UA a 10:00 to 10:45 – The technology innovation as a factor. See how technology can influence the productivity gains, cost savings, differentiation, and improving competitiveness, the management and productivity solutions for Microsoft. Speaker: D. Javier Castro Castro a "Microsoft Senior Sales Rep. AU a 10:45 to 11:00 a " Coffee Break UA a 11:00 to 12:30 – Managing relationships with franchisees.


In the previous article I made mention of some features required by an entrepreneur. Possession of such characteristics is fundamental to develop a successful business. However, there are other features that every entrepreneur should seek, which I mention in this article. As I mentioned in the previous article, these characteristics could form attitudes by the entrepreneur. Before enlisting these features, let us remember what is an entrepreneur. In very simple terms, an entrepreneur is a person who initiates some kind of business or perhaps, finances only.

In both cases, is an entrepreneur, and works with a purpose: generate benefits or profits to have a better lifestyle that you have to present. Let’s look at some of these features: 1.-intelligence. Intelligence, understood as characteristic of an entrepreneur, departs from the traditional concept of this term. Academic preparation is not synonymous with intelligence. Nor the ability to memorize many concepts for an exam. With intelligence, I mean the mental ability to perceive what others may not perceive in different circumstances. It is the ability to make quick decisions before such circumstances.

It is also the ability to create, innovate and act. This is a key feature to win the respect of readers and clients. 2 Leadership. This is a hard to find in many entrepreneurs feature. More even though he is still discussing whether the leader born or made. However, to be a good entrepreneur, it is necessary to be a leader. In the context of this article we will understand by leadership the ability to persuade, through various actions to other people to: 1.-trust in you, 2.-follow him, 3.-buy what you offer. No matter if the leader born or made, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you must be a leader, and to be so, the first thing you must do is: 1.-trust in yourself, 2.-accept yourself, 3.-make use of what you sell or conveys to its readers.


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Sri Lanka Tour

Now experience the unspoiled East of the tropical island of Sri Lanka in Trincomale Sri Lanka Sunrise “means a round trip, which is new and exclusive to JAHN REISEN in the program in the summer of 2010 and can be booked through the long-distance travel specialist of travel pilot. For five days drive guests by bus from highlight to highlight, and enjoy a journey through the culture of Buddhism, by tea plantations and rice terraces, the developed West to the unspoiled East. Here, fine sandy beaches and turquoise waters, a two-day stay in Nilaveli on the East Coast is the crowning moment of our trip. “Price example: Sri Lanka 5-day tour of Sri Lanka Sunrise” double room, meals according to tender, on/off Colombo per person from 390 euros of the GlobeTrotter and Sri Lanka expert Olaf Diroll also a round trip in the mini bus in conjunction with Villa Pelena in Weligama offers. For more specific information, check out Coen brothers. Here the tourists a newly built guesthouse under German Management finds, directly and idyllic located on a river, but only 5-minute walk from the Long Bay in Weligama removed. In the Guest House 3 rooms including a family room are available up to 4 people z.Vfg, so also ideal for larger families or small groups up to 7 persons, together in private atmosphere among local neighbors to spend a swimming and adventure holidays. The village of Weligama is still a sleepy fishing village, with barely perceptible tourism, but beautiful bathing bays and attractions in the surrounding area.

To the safekeeping 6 bicycles and a scooter for rent offered by the guesthouse, where also an own TUC TUC for rides for Vfg. stands. For wildlife viewing on the river and fun on the water, two new Kayaks are offered in the House. A weekly barbeque evening with traditional Sinhalese dishes, from clay pots served, takes place directly in the garden on the river. The travel consultant Olaf Diroll traveled to Sri Lanka since 1972 and offered in the travel agency of travel pilot package holidays and air travel to the coastal towns of Negombo, Beruwela and Hikkaduwa and Bentotat. Represent the travel pilot well-known tour operators such as DERTOUR, Meier’s weltreisen, Neckermann, Jahn – and ITS travel. The travel pilot individual vacation packages and vacation convey such as Bangkok or Hong Kong days or a short trip after Thailand, Malaysia, Viet Nam and Hong Kong & Bali in conjunction with a stopover for 2-3 first. Her Olaf Diroll economist and specialist tourism specialist for sea and telescope since 1978 homepage: electronic travel kit. information about the guesthouse Weligama: e-mail: remote travel agency of travel pilot E.k.. from Winsen/Luhe