Web Conference

One of the allegations of the former deputy of the Rada of V convocation of the spu Vasyl Volga that he loves power, he made May 24, 2007 Web Conference "Explorer" is not the only one. Vasili Volga never hid that loves power, and power always beckons him, authorities – this is actually the main purpose of his life. In this paper we do not understand what is good or bad. Considering the identity of Basil Volga, we are much more interesting find out why Vasili Volga desire for power often comes to a manic, can be regarded as sufficiently Vasili Volga, a serious political figure, whether Vasili Volga gain power and as in this case may turn to the people of the board of the Left leader as Vasily Volga? For many people, these questions may seem quite strange, uninteresting and totally not relevant, especially given the political situation, which is now emerging in Ukraine. But if a person is inclined to make predicting future events, trying to do to analyze and understand the mistakes of the past, it is unlikely to look at the current political situation in Ukraine through your fingers, not trying to find it hidden subtext. Many of those in more detail in the study of history, is well aware of the fact that all the known tyrants and the so-called "Lords of the World" appeared in the political arena at a time when the country's political crisis flared up. And almost all of them appeared virtually from nowhere. Who was none, he became one of everything.