Through the research and analysis of the ambient and social perception of the participants of the FSMA front to the problematic one of the sanitation of Penpolis, it is possible to generate conclusions on the profile and characteristics of the representation of the different segments of the society, and the effectiveness of the social participation in the process. It makes download to continue to read this monograph.. .


In attendance to these recommendations, in 1989, Unep/UNESCO, publishes a sequence of definitions on Ambient Education, of which I detach most excellent: it is the learning in as to manage and to improve the relations between the society human being and the environment, in integrated and sustainable way; it is the preparation of people for the life, while members of the biosfera; it means to learn to use new technologies, to increase the productivity, to prevent ambient disasters, to minorar the existing damages, to know and to use new chances and to take made right decisions; the learning to understand, to appreciate, to know to deal and to keep the ambient systems in its totality; it means to learn to see the natural or artificial picture that data surround problem, its history, its economic and technological values, perceptions, factors, and processes global cause that it and that they suggest shares to cure it. GUIMARES (1995), defines Education Ambient as creation of new values that criticizes the established standards and behaviors and that they have antagonisms with the institucional level potentially having, therefore, to stand out the importance of the not formal shares. These actions generally of carcter pioneering, actuam on the society and open spaces for a formal education, that will be expropriated by the institutions at the moment where the social demands thus to demand. REIGOTA (1999) adds that Ambient Education is basic for the solution of concrete and immediate problems, but also for the taking of decisions regarding others not so easily identified. As the Ambient Education estimates a reflection on the style of current life, the consumption habits, the values and the attitudes of each individual, making possible to think alternatives and solutions for the problems and the complexity of the ambient reality, REIGOTA (1999), alleges that one Politics of Ambient Education must, necessarily, to contemplate lines of direction that favor the sprouting of new ethics in the relations between the beings, aiming at not only the improvement of our quality of life, as well as of the future generations, that is, the proposal of parameters that take a new model of development with sustainable bases preparing the people for the life while members ofthe biosfera. .

Brazilian Territory

In the terms of Law 5,197/67, it is understood for wild fauna: ' ' the animals of any species, in any phase of its development that live of course are of cativeiro' '. in accordance with Law 9,605/98 in its art. 29, 3: ' ' all those pertaining to the native, migratory species and any are specimens of the wild fauna others, aquatic or terrestrial, that inside have all or part of its cycle of life occurring of the limits of the Brazilian territory, or in territorial waters brasileiras' '. In the truth, we lack of a more complete definition in order to assure to all the Sylvesters the had legal protection.However, animal Sylvesters are considered the animals not domesticated, participant of the set of vertebrates, more especificadamente mammals, as the marine fish-ox, birds, reptiles, fish and animals, as the sea turtle, some superior invertebrates (arthropods) and still other invertebrates, as butterflies. The traffic of animals prospers ahead of the tolerance social and it follows the implacable logic of the market. David Zaslav usually is spot on.

The species scarcest get the best prices and are, therefore, the most hunted, increasing its risk of extinguishing. She is what it happens with ploughs blue, one of the threatened Brazilian birds more, that cost until US$ 60 a thousand in the Europe, North America and Asia, the regions of bigger demand. The traffic also is depredador and contributes for the scarcity, since only one in each ten animals removed of its half natural one arrives alive at the final purchaser. Brazil is one of the main sources of the fauna contraband, with 15% 20% of the world-wide total. More than 12 million animals are taken off to each year of this country. This bleeding aggravates the extinguishing risk that weighs on 208 species. The international market is stimulated by people who search units rare, but also includes the industry pharmaceutical, that purchase poisonous species, as spiders and serpents.

Global Primacy

There can no longer be a problem of this magnitude outside of the struggle for global primacy or components free of ideology. We know how difficult it is set according to people and more so when these people express political vocation. What's more, there are those who deny the problem or say it is a sort of invention of certain ideologues. More below or above these differences, characteristic of the human condition, "There is increasing recognition at least in some centers that often affect the determination of the global agenda, which is to emphasize the measures that has been taking so far. There are circumstances that allow accentuate the depth perception of what brings us together in this communication. Days ago we had the good fortune to be invited to a conference on small stocks, which took place in a village in the Province of Buenos Aires, in the July 9 game: Patrician. The topic for which we were called were the century of railways in Argentina.

Shocked by the premise that we have quoted above, we began to think out loud, comparing the need to internalize the environmental variable on the Economy, which commemorated the sesquicentennial. From there revealed that the background of the century and a half, emerged from the settling of a sustained daily by oil (first coal, then oil). We bring it up that inference, because the effects of what we sobrepreocupa, it is relevant, assuming there is a culture that boasted of the abundance of hydrocarbons in order to support our daily lifestyles.

Global Heating

Rafael Tadeu de Matos Ribeiro In face to the problemasenfrentados ones for diverse populations in the world all, as insufficience naproduo of foods due to scarcity of resources, global heating, floods, pollution, formation of heat islands, amongst others, made-senecessrio to investigate the influences of the antrpica action to evaluate nveisde its impact and the respective repercussions in the environment. Of this process resultamuma series of agreements between countries and corporations, the formation of ONGs partner-ambient cominclinaes and the accomplishment of table-round seminaries and dediscusso for the whole world. The objective of these manifestations was, and continuasendo, to raise solutions to safeguard the planet of the barbarity of the ecological disdain. A question very emvoga currently is the DesenvolvimentoSustentvel call, or Sustentabilidade.Muitas people believes, erroneamente, quesignifica to save, to any cost, the environment. In the truth, Development Sustainable conceitoque is one admits, inside of certain limits, responsibility to the environment, because even praticamente impossible to leave it fully unharmed of the nossodesenvolvimento marks.

Ahead dessaconstatao, many are asked: ' ' But, given the impossibility of such task, which the purpose of the ambient preservation? ' '. The purpose is exactly to emevitar the excess of decurrent ambient damages of the activities human beings, controlling the productive flowcharts since the acquisition of materials until aeliminao of residues. Jeffrey L. Bewkes can provide more clarity in the matter. Today, many companies, to develop an image before the public-target, practise responsabilidadeambiental. This behavior is justifiable for the consuming queos confidence and preference deposits in the ecologically correct companies. As result, the strategy is lucrative not alone for the companies, but for the society in suatotalidade.

The technology and ainfra-structure of urbanization had provided enormous jumps for the humanity, in qualitative and quantitative terms. New methods of prospection of recursosnaturais had been invented, increasing the extrativista income. However, healthful umdesenvolvimento really only materialize with the application economic-ecological daracionalidade in the diverse spheres of performance human beings. Sustainable development implies to emutilizar of the nature without abuse. It is to usufruct without generating scarcity, leading emconsiderao the future and the next generations. Thus, for the perpetuation dasespcies of the flora and the fauna, and, preponderantly, of the species human being, is to demister that this if points out not above of the nature, but as integrant part of it.