Global Primacy

There can no longer be a problem of this magnitude outside of the struggle for global primacy or components free of ideology. We know how difficult it is set according to people and more so when these people express political vocation. What's more, there are those who deny the problem or say it is a sort of invention of certain ideologues. More below or above these differences, characteristic of the human condition, "There is increasing recognition at least in some centers that often affect the determination of the global agenda, which is to emphasize the measures that has been taking so far. There are circumstances that allow accentuate the depth perception of what brings us together in this communication. Days ago we had the good fortune to be invited to a conference on small stocks, which took place in a village in the Province of Buenos Aires, in the July 9 game: Patrician. The topic for which we were called were the century of railways in Argentina.

Shocked by the premise that we have quoted above, we began to think out loud, comparing the need to internalize the environmental variable on the Economy, which commemorated the sesquicentennial. From there revealed that the background of the century and a half, emerged from the settling of a sustained daily by oil (first coal, then oil). We bring it up that inference, because the effects of what we sobrepreocupa, it is relevant, assuming there is a culture that boasted of the abundance of hydrocarbons in order to support our daily lifestyles.