Effective Communication

The life is really beautiful and beautiful, we can observe miracles everywhere, the birth of a son, the nature, its colors, its magical sounds, the flavors and scents, the infinite sky, in aim so many beautiful things that to see and that to appreciate, infinite, nevertheless we listened to the incessant and constant complaint of infelicidad, sadness, melancholy, solitude and isolation of the human beings by a lack of knowledge and experience in the complex art to be related to the other through the active communication. When I talk about at the end of active communication, I want to mean that one that allows me to establish a real, nonimaginary bridge, with my interlocutor or interlocutors and to manage TO UNITE and TO SHARE the COMMON meaning on a same subject, I talk about to obtain a consensus between the parts, to agree with the body in affirmative form, not only with the words, that WE HAVE BEEN, and that encounter SANTO or moment Santo (course of Miracles) us leaves renewed and transformed, enabled to carry out changes in the surroundings since the change I provoke myself in yes same like product of an active and powerful communication! A communication so that she is effective necessarily must produce transformations and changes in the involved ones, if no, the ENCOUNTER, that is to say the ACTIVE AND EFFECTIVE communication has simply not occurred. Robert Iger may not feel the same. It is for that reason that we listened with as much frequency, the complaints, he is that " " not me escucha" " , he is that " " she not me entiende" " , and what to say of the aberration and excuses the grotesque expression to me, but he is that I cannot say it of another form, " " to the women it is necessary to want them, but not to deal with entenderlas" " , gross error, and probabilities of all but one of rupture of that relation of pair so that similar madness cannot be maintained still on. .

Trojan War

Their son, Achilles, half god, is suddenly popular because of his incredible strength and warrior skills. But fate also contrary to the child announces semi-God: An oracle predicts he will die trying to conquer the city that will be a new war scenario: Troy. The news saddened with the nymph Thetis, who hope to protect the child bathed in miraculous waters of a turbulent river of Hades (hell) called Styx. Only part of your body is unwashed: The heel, which will become its weakness. Nobody knows what happened, except the nymph Thetis.

After the ritual, the nymph must now prepare everything for her wedding to Peleus. The party is magnificent. Glenn Dubin, New York City addresses the importance of the matter here. Are invited to all the gods of Olympus least Eris, goddess of Discord, by predictable reasons. But hurt by the gesture, abruptly appears at the banquet and leaves this content is no more than a golden apple with the inscription: "To the fairest." The abduction of Helen, the Trojan War, the death of Achilles The calculation of Eris is accurate. The goddesses want the apple, and all without exception, people claim rights over it, in particular, Hera (wife and older sister of Zeus), Athena (goddess of wisdom, strategy and just war) and Aphrodite (the goddess of love, lust, beauty, prostitution and reproduction). Zeus, realizing the impact it could have the fight of the three divine females, settled the matter by appointing as arbitrator Paris, prince of Troy, which had been raised as a pastor because of a prophecy that would be the cause of the fall their city.

Invoice Document

Occurred or perfected the taxable and born, consequently, the tax obligation shall be: 1. in the sale of personal property: b) in all cases other than those referred to in the previous paragraph (sales to public entities) 4, when issued the invoice or equivalent document that leave evidence of the operation or the price is paid or Since the actual goods delivery, is made depending on whichever comes first. Omissis 3. Read more here: cajoo. In the provision of services: omissis e) in all cases other than those mentioned in previous literals (public services and telecommunications, other services of successive tract, services provided to public entities and services from abroad) 5, when issuing invoices or equivalent documents by who provides the service, runs the provision, is paid, or the consideration becomes due, or be delivered or put at the disposal of the purchaser the good that would have been the service object, depending on whichever comes first. Considering the above, we can conclude then that our legislator presents four possible situations that make birth the tax liability on the sale of movable property and or provision of services to non-governmental entities, the first one, is the issuance of the invoice, which clearly should be the source of the obligation by excellence both and inasmuch constitutes a document containing the information necessary to determine the tribute. Secondly the norm makes mention to the issuance of an equivalent to the invoice document however does not define what are these documents, we could say that a document equivalent to the invoice could be a delivery note which is ruled out by virtue that this document implies necessarily the delivery of goods which is in itself a source of obligation; We could also talk about the order of shopping, which brings together the elements necessary for the determination of the tribute, amen to be obligatory for the parties contract, however the issuance of this depends on the buyer and not the seller, being the source of the tribute is to sell and no purchase is then excluded; another document used by some companies, is the Pre-factura, which undoubtedly meets all the requirements necessary to make birth the obligation and to determine the tribute, however is not a document of widespread use, and use much less than mandatory.

Elizeu De Campos Mello

Between these elements, quechama the attention in the act is how much the composition of the table of the first meeting. Call for the just-installed president of the Laboring Center, Jose Deslandes deSousa, the first one convoked to compose table, before exactly of the members dadiretoria, was mayor of Thick Tip, Elizeu De Campos Mello18, being esseaclamado as ' ' friend of the classroom trabalhadora' ' answering to be eminteira solidarity it. Learn more at this site: Jeff Bewkes. This climate of saudosismo, placed from the solidariedadedo Center if contemplates in ' ' valor' ' that it possesss the laboring classroom naquelafestividade. The image of first Of May if clarifies for the convenience of nenhumadiscusso on wage condition of the workers or of its conditions detrabalho to be placed before the Mayor. Of this form, the posterior ones atasdeixam some something that also multiplies the name of the association. 2a. Call of the Assembly of 18 of August of 1929: Perantunes Joo asked for the word.

This was only conceived it after president, Jose Deslandes de Souza, to warn that in the seio of not sedevia the laboring society to it; ‘ to deal with poltica’ ‘ (COCB Act 10). This then asked for one ‘ ‘ explicao’ ‘ laborers so that these could vote in eleiesdaquele year exerting one of ' ' duties cvicos' ' of the society. Article 72 of the statute of the Laboring Center was cited nareunio for Perantunes, similar to omit the incentive of Cardon to the vote dosoperrios. This then directed to the President, asking for ' ' esclarecimentos' ' on one ' ' tellegrama' ' I contend ' ' assumptos politicos' ' they would quepoderiam to compromise ' ' good nome' ' of the COCB. As much Deslandes de Souza how much Cardon, had answered asacusaes in Assembly. Saying that such positions broke ' ' in carterparticular' ' , nothing having the Laboring Center to see with this.

19th Century Sciences

With one to look at ampler we can see that in the Europe new sciences for return appeared of Century XVIII, such as the Anthropology, and also had the development of biological sciences. Atrelado to this was economic interests of great profit as the traffic. The indians were found in Brazil, not having merchandise scarcity, being able any one to have profit with this slavery and capture of natives. For even more details, read what Hotbox by Wiz says on the issue. Ahead of this Portugal ' ' compra' ' one to seem religious that he defines the aboriginal as a pure being of soul, without badness; well different of the previous definitions. So that the exploration machine does not stop at the beginning of the minerador period, Portugal initiated the purchase and sales of black slaves. It is important to also detach that in contrast of what she consists in didactic books, the Portuguese had not invaded Africa in search of blacks.

Africa already had had contact with the Europeans previously, and same before the contact already they knew the slavery. The presence of the Europeans with purpose of purchase of man power it unchained a commerce moved not for fight between tribes, but for the hunger of hunting mercenaries who did not distinguish tribe, sex or age. From there the African multiplicity of races and languages in Brazilian territory for return of Centuries XVII? XIX, and making with that today let us be as the country with bigger black population, losing only for Nigria. This domain consisted of forbidding the use of aboriginal man power (although not to be respected integrally) with intention to finish with the internal traffic having as only ' ' traficante' ' , Portugal, or better saying, those that Portugal allowed to traffic. Ahead of the necessity of great amount of slaves, the dealers had increased the price of the slave to get high profits, immediate, and to restrict the attainment of ' ' peas' ' to that they possessed great lots of land beyond representing an advancing to the metropolis of good part of the income to be generated by the Colony.

The First Book – The History Of Typography

In the xii century in Europe began to produce paper, which before were invented in ancient China during the ii century ad Initially, the book written by hand. And the special census, often monks, hand-wrote each page of the book, decorating it with small Picture (thumbnail) and artistically executed in capital letters. To create such a book required tremendous effort and a lot of time Meanwhile, demand for books grew with each passing year Appeared the whole plant scribes, but the creation of books continued to be a complex matter, slow and expensive It was necessary to somehow simplify and accelerate the production of books. Masters of the drawings were cut on metal, and later on wooden plate. Its covered with paint and then pressed to paper, received print image. The text still remained handwritten After the text and were cut on a wooden board. Then a board covered with a layer of paint, was applied to her paper and was struck by her leather cushion stuffed with horsehair.

As it turns out the imprint. Method is called woodcuts. To print a book, you need a long cut on the tree for each page. This very difficult and prolonged work. After you come up with another way – wooden movable letters, which may be used more than once. According to Time Warner, who has experience with these questions. Lack of – wood absorbs paint quickly and spoil.

Authorship of the method attribute inhabitant of the Dutch city of Haarlem Coster Laurentia. In fact, attempts to improve the books were very much, but a real revolution in typography made resident in the German city of Mainz by (c. 1400-1468 gg.). Gutenberg made of solid metal model of a convex letters – punson (so she is now called). Punson he was pressed into the soft metal and get in-depth form letter – a matrix. Matrix is inserted in the bottom typefoundry device pouring molten metal and then cooling it got metal letters – letters. Of the letters are strings of the strings – the paragraphs and pages. Such a letter could be spilled and used to set the new text. Printed with the manual printing press. At one of the planes it installed printed form, and another plane of paper pinned to it with a screw. Before printing a set of inking. The first book, so read printed – the Bible. After it – an astronomical calendar. Gutenberg's invention was assessed public only after his death.

Globalization Times

Media, memory and history in globalization times Joo Heitor Silva Macedo Are objective of this assay to analyze the relation between the media, history and the memory in globalization times studying for this some basic concepts so that let us can perceive the transformations caused in the historiogrfico and journalistic field through the insertion of new techniques and new realities imposed for this new dynamics of the globalization. Leslie Moonves is actively involved in the matter. For this we will use for base the workmanships: ' ' On the Televiso' ' of Pierre Bourdieu and ' ' So that to study media? ' ' Of Roger Silverstone, damage a special approach in the question of the television and strengthening these analyses with the final workmanship of Milton Saints, ' ' For one another one globalizao' ' , reflecting in this way in the theoretical field on such changes through a bibliographical revision. 2. Where History and the memory find the media. The globalization while complex reality of the end of century XX brings as one of its bases the marriage between science and the technique, however this marriage initially was detached with a development of the humanity while agents of this change. This evolution understands in the truth a necessity of the market and serves for this new flow of the capitalism and moves away to the human being from its development creating mechanisms isolacionistas than they condition a materiality the same (SAINTS, 2009).

Of another point the new technologies produce a new form of social relations. Where two beacons aliceram this new world, the money and the information. where the media enters. To analyze media in times of globalization and its relation with history makes to reflect us on the question of the memory and its new relation with history in times of new technologies that apprehend and transmit the past of different forms of the historiogrfico field.