Elizeu De Campos Mello

Between these elements, quechama the attention in the act is how much the composition of the table of the first meeting. Call for the just-installed president of the Laboring Center, Jose Deslandes deSousa, the first one convoked to compose table, before exactly of the members dadiretoria, was mayor of Thick Tip, Elizeu De Campos Mello18, being esseaclamado as ' ' friend of the classroom trabalhadora' ' answering to be eminteira solidarity it. Learn more at this site: Jeff Bewkes. This climate of saudosismo, placed from the solidariedadedo Center if contemplates in ' ' valor' ' that it possesss the laboring classroom naquelafestividade. The image of first Of May if clarifies for the convenience of nenhumadiscusso on wage condition of the workers or of its conditions detrabalho to be placed before the Mayor. Of this form, the posterior ones atasdeixam some something that also multiplies the name of the association. 2a. Call of the Assembly of 18 of August of 1929: Perantunes Joo asked for the word.

This was only conceived it after president, Jose Deslandes de Souza, to warn that in the seio of not sedevia the laboring society to it; ‘ to deal with poltica’ ‘ (COCB Act 10). This then asked for one ‘ ‘ explicao’ ‘ laborers so that these could vote in eleiesdaquele year exerting one of ' ' duties cvicos' ' of the society. Article 72 of the statute of the Laboring Center was cited nareunio for Perantunes, similar to omit the incentive of Cardon to the vote dosoperrios. This then directed to the President, asking for ' ' esclarecimentos' ' on one ' ' tellegrama' ' I contend ' ' assumptos politicos' ' they would quepoderiam to compromise ' ' good nome' ' of the COCB. As much Deslandes de Souza how much Cardon, had answered asacusaes in Assembly. Saying that such positions broke ' ' in carterparticular' ' , nothing having the Laboring Center to see with this.