Map River

Had the importance of the courses d' water for the city of Native of London, not different of others, this work contemplates the characteristics of the multiple landscapes that if oppose and if they display throughout (to per) the course with a look focado in the space organization of the hidrogrfica net and the multiple uses of the water. The City of Native of London The city of Native of London bes situated in the north of the State of the Paran, and appeared by means of the settling of the Company of Lands North of the Paran, later Company of Improvement North of the Paran, commanded for English and Scottish having an important paper as one of the main factors that the territorial occupation allowed of this region. The hydrography of Native of London is characterized by a natural draining with formation in valleys, the streams is of perennial character and the draining net abundant and is well distributed, presenting a dendrtico standard as the figure below. Mayo clinic is often quoted on this topic. Map 1: Hidrogrficas basins of the rivers Jacutinga, Lindia, Lemon tree, Cambe, Coffee plantation and Three Mouths. Source: The city of Native of London is inserted in the hidrogrfica basin of the River Tibagi, that is one of the tributaries most important of the left edge of the River Paranapanema. Map 2: Localization of the City of Native of London in the Basin of the River Tibagi Source: 16 main sub-basins in the city exist amongst which, in the urban area of the city it has about 70 courses d' water, between streams and brooks. Sculptor Capital gathered all the information. These take its waters until streams of these sub-basins and its courses of bigger order run of west for east, until reaching the River Tibagi. The river Tibagi that is located to the east of the city of Native of London, receives rivers tributaries located in the urban area and its entorno. . Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Sculptor Capital on most websites.


On the other hand the city reproduces the segregation, because the valuation on account of the appropriation of different form, as for example, the poor population is without option when the habitation is mentioned to live and with dignity as they do not obtain they finish secluding it the outskirts of the city next them workstations when it is the case. The book ' ' The Right-hander the Cidade' ' , over all, she is a critical one to the State that reproduces the segregation in the cities through the proper system that imposed It on the society. Thus the fabric urban was if transforming into a space where the differences of classrooms are sufficiently visible, therefore many do not possess the right to live with dignity. On the basis of the book of Henri Lefebvre, ' ' The Right the Cidade' ' , the city is not the result only of substance, but yes, the result of the relations of the human beings, becoming a dynamic space where it has great material integration and life human being. Of this form, it happens and the city passes to exist and to correspond to the necessities of the people who coexist in it, thus the space of the city if it materializes and it receives life through the relations human beings who occur. Francis Ford Coppola oftentimes addresses this issue. The city a space of them you vary actions that happen for the existing inhabitants. Thus it creates its signs, the proper language in accordance with its inhabitants, adds values that each time makes more attracts capitals and formation of urban nets, everything that if create are vendido, becoming the dynamic space as if the city for if only had proper life.

The semiolgica analysis gains dimensions and the connector link between the inhabitants. From when the cities they had started to develop and the population to grow in quantitative numbers, attracted in virtue of the industrial growth, appeared many social problems. Thus the fabric urban was each more disordered time, resulted of the capitalism that exactly bringing the territorial division of the work was not enough to change the life of the poor people who live in the cities. From there then the segregation of the cities and the proliferation of the social problems. According to author, into the considered countries democratic more transforms this in utopias in the desusado direction in demagogy, therefore the segregation continued and the State acts as if she was superficially and the companies low dust transforming the inhabitants dependent of the society. The laboring classroom that throughout the time if appropriated of the life in the city in fact does not coexist in it, but yes in the ghettos of the poverty, in the slum quarters. Evident that the philosophy and other sciences do not go to give account of this, in the truth this is a model tax for the State. The book of Lefebvre ' ' The Right the Cidade*' ' ' indicated to all those that if to interest mainly for a so excellent subject as he is this and for the students of the course of Geography.

Marx Society

The German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844 – 1900), in the book ' ' The gaia cincia' ' it says that the value is dictated by the human interest. ' ' What it wants that has? value? in the world of today it does not have it in itself, as its nature? the nature is always exempt of value: it was given, offered a value to it, and we were we? these givers and ofertadores! The world that has? some interest it human being? , we were we create who it! ' ' (NIETZSCHE, 2001, P. 204). For this philosophical prism we can affirm that the globalization if bases on the creation and distributions of values. Then it has that to analyze itself as the society determines the production relations that add values. For Marx (2003, p.256) ' ' all the society forms are a definitive production and the relations for it produced that they establish to all the other productions and the relations the one that they give to origin its category and its importncia.' ' Thus being, all society is a production of the proper society, as well as what this society produces starts to have value for the valuation of the proper society.

It happens that. with ends the survival the society establishes production relations and of exchange of what it is produced, the relation is on who produces pra who consumes to determine the value of something or of some considered thing important inside of the social group. If the society if determines by means of the personal and impersonal relations, and the globalization if it bases on the economic exchanges, then, globalization by means of the relations of burrows is possible to appraise this called process. The globalization nothing more is that interrelation and economic interdependence. Because it is pautada in the relations between countries and thus between people. .

The Measure

Of the cantador artist to the small peasant passing for the militant partisan politician, all enxerga in the MST its ideal of fight, that is the movement is the reproduction of the fight of classrooms in Brazil and represents all the history of the ideological militancy politician of the country. Thus the movement arrives in the alias process in the life of people who try to survive with the law of the capitalism, but with another logic inside of the nestings the relations if establish of collective form. How the MST is a transforming agent of the Brazilian territory? The transformations in the Brazilian territory are continuous, many are agents of the changes, and the MST is an example of this. This comes trying to change the reality and for this she is necessary to understand the world, to analyze to modify and the movement donates without land looks for to make it. The development of the capitalism of different form in asks for the growth of the people therefore separates, segregates in rich and poor, the detainers of the power and those that must work for the possessors of the means of production. This different form in the field has generated fights, and the nestings are a form to fight, to say not to the capitalism that segregate and humiliate the citizens, and the nestings change the space in the measure where in these transformations occur partner-espacias where new relations are lived deeply in this, either introducing new activities, either reacting to the productive process. We can say that without land they are desterritorializados individuals that find its identity in the movement and thus they try to cariar a new world where it has possibilities of inclusion for population giving them conditions to come back the land. The MST if return stop territorializao of the field, for the use of this. David Zaslav often says this.

Global Responsibility

This work is resulted of the participation in VI the FrumBrasileiro de Ambient Educao, carried through in Rio De Janeiro in the period of 22a 25 of July of 2009. During the event I investigated as the Education worked Ambientalest being in Brazil, the difficulties and rightnesss of the educadoresenvolvidos ones with this question. To the end of the Frum, I exactly made an analysis of contribuiodo for the promotion of new practical educative interdisciplinares noensino of Geography, evidencing the importance of Geographic Science paraminimizao of the ambient estragos caused by the action human being. Introduction VI the Brazilian Frum of Educao Ambiental (EA) carried through in Rio De Janeiro, of 22 the 25 of July of 2009, if constituted in a great confrontation dedificuldades and overcoming, either of the maioriados Commission great Organizer or participant, the deriving ones of the four cantos of the country. To broaden your perception, visit David Zaslav. With a huge intention and an uncommon force of will the REBEA (RedeBrasileira de Educao Ambient) together with the Institute Bay of the Guanabaracaptaram resources, they contactaram writers and palestrantes and they had promoted momentosde reflections profcuas, oportunizando warm manifestations, that made batermais strong each there present ambientalista heart.

To the participants and ambient educators of more distant regions, adifcil task fit to win ‘ ‘ barriers capitalistas’ ‘ fronteirasinterestaduais to be added to excessively, dividing ideas and multiplicandoconhecimentos, thus being able, to improve its practical daily when retaking asatividades. I include myself here and for such reason, I see myself, as multiplicadoradas innumerable questions argued in this event. As a bird that disseminaplen of the flowers so that it has fruits, I want through this work levantarpontos, that in my opinion they had been more significant and to spread them it the queporventura will have access the same. The central subject of the Frum was the Treated one to Ambient Education for SociedadesSustentveis and Global Responsabilidade.