Marx Society

The German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844 – 1900), in the book ' ' The gaia cincia' ' it says that the value is dictated by the human interest. ' ' What it wants that has? value? in the world of today it does not have it in itself, as its nature? the nature is always exempt of value: it was given, offered a value to it, and we were we? these givers and ofertadores! The world that has? some interest it human being? , we were we create who it! ' ' (NIETZSCHE, 2001, P. 204). For this philosophical prism we can affirm that the globalization if bases on the creation and distributions of values. Then it has that to analyze itself as the society determines the production relations that add values. For Marx (2003, p.256) ' ' all the society forms are a definitive production and the relations for it produced that they establish to all the other productions and the relations the one that they give to origin its category and its importncia.' ' Thus being, all society is a production of the proper society, as well as what this society produces starts to have value for the valuation of the proper society.

It happens that. with ends the survival the society establishes production relations and of exchange of what it is produced, the relation is on who produces pra who consumes to determine the value of something or of some considered thing important inside of the social group. If the society if determines by means of the personal and impersonal relations, and the globalization if it bases on the economic exchanges, then, globalization by means of the relations of burrows is possible to appraise this called process. The globalization nothing more is that interrelation and economic interdependence. Because it is pautada in the relations between countries and thus between people. .