Information Portals

The opening of new markets has made that trade between the countries has increased. However, this fact, in recent years to measure that globalization is has been becoming increasingly more dynamic, as an unstoppable process and the free flow of goods and information has increased, spurred by the development of telecommunications, forces SMEs to identify with them in order to compete, to actively participate. Already Porte said (1990), the competitiveness of SMEs in the information technology sector has been framed largely in business strategies, structure, in which the company is immersed and inter-firm rivalry. Since then the SMEs, which have been successfully inserted into the globalization process has had to come prepared as other countries have done, to compete, giving way to his creativity, innovativeness and capitalizing on technological advances that are occurring in their specific field of action, look like Unfortunately the Venezuelan management of many SMEs neglect it. It is a true fact, that many SMEs have neglected concerning quality of products or services, delivery, aftersales services capacity, diversification of product, effective use of the Informatics for marketing and data bank… Management must take very seriously the role of new wings of the information technology and communication or new media, since this contributes to determining the scope, implications that it generates, especially about the possibility of a potential scenario for competitiveness, by nature that they generate in a nascent national economy and a global market sector which is characterized as an interconnect market, which is formally defined as a series of relationships between businesses, suppliers and customers of a value chain, in which goods and services flow from left to right through a series of interconnected businesses. Is what he says, that the competitiveness of SMEs will depend on the technology that add value to the work of chain and new information that can be used to produce costs and improve the quality of their processes, products and services. If you have read about David Zaslav already – you may have come to the same conclusion. .

Dating Without Borders

When visiting temples or mosques sihskih necessary to cover head, arms and legs. Gain insight and clarity with Leslie Moonves. Women are not allowed to come into contact with Buddhist monks. Women should avoid wearing dark glasses, music players, as in many Asian countries it is considered to be signs of a woman of easy behavior. As in the Arab world, a woman is better not to travel alone, do not wear tight clothes. In order to avoid the increased male attention, it is best to wear a wedding ring. Not superfluous and could be a scarf. In Far Eastern countries is not advisable to wear shorts, jeans and t-shirts.

Neat appearance – lack of collateral nepriyanostey with the authorities because of suspicious attitude toward any kind of antisocial predstavitellyam elements similar in appearance and with them people. In Central and South America, where large number of military coups have occurred, and fresh in the memory of repressive military regimes, one should avoid wearing clothing or paramilitary equipment. The best solution would be to dress so as not to attract public attention. In this case, as elsewhere, do not wear expensive jewelry, valuable photos and video equipment. The number of petty theft and street crime, as in Asia is very high.

It must be remembered that during his stay in these countries will have to undergo a number of police checks, which are aimed primarily at fighting drug trafficking and terrorism. Therefore, you should always have with them documents. Behavior in complex situations, of course, very simple – try to avoid the causes giving rise to various conflicts and unpleasant situations. As already mentioned earlier, it is better not to be ‘targeted’, the object of attention, not to carry with them significant value, not to provoke local residents by their behavior. When communicating with the authorities of the host country is it is important to remain calm. Not to exacerbate the situation controversy, scandals, etc. In any case, it does not help, but only harm. Never touch the authorities. In many countries this is a severe insult to inevitable harsh sanctions. Do not lose control and composure. If you are still arrested, Keep ‘face’, hold on dignity, but with respect. Correctly demand a meeting with the consul. Or politely ask the meeting higher authorities, with whom you could communicate without an interpreter.