Dow Jones Industrials

Hedge funds that handled approximately some US $1.800 trillion in assets. Galiegue adds: a part of this industry is dying, probably half. They then settled assets in panic, without consideration of the economic news. The reality is that no one wants to be purchased in this market, because no one knows so much more can deepen this low, nor how much can get to suffer the economy. In times like these, it is not taken into account potential future value, but is the only thing that operates panic and uncertainty. The majority of analysts repeated what to enter for the long term, that always wins do but meanwhile what do we do? While both may refer to more than one year even. Those who purchased Nasdaq or S & P 500 at the start of the year 2000, in full market euphoria, thinking that the party would continue, never could see their investments become positive.

The Nasdaq has lost 70 per cent since then and the S & P 500 40%. It took 8 years. The long term may be for the children or grandchildren of the investor and the investor in question will thus lose always. There is one variety of funds to bet on low, if we were waiting for the boom in the market for the long term, sonreiremos from some other side when to who bequeath them our assets sold. There are several alternatives for those who foresee a drop in the markets and do not intend to hold on to their shares for the long term in which everything will tend to rise.

The ETFs and bearish investment funds, which sold short (short-sell), that arman options strategies betting on downward, they gain value as the market loses. And there are all kinds: ETFs bears (bearish) to emerging markets like the PT insti MSCI emerging market (AMEX:EEV), the commodities as PF insti basic materials (AMEX:SMN), the financial is PF insti financial (AMEX:SKF), or to take advantage of the PF insti oil low oil & gas (AMEX:DUG). Who could come and see the decline in the Dow Jones Industrials, could have bought the bearish ETF PT insti Dow 30 (AMEX:DXD) and bagging during October more than one 80% rise, while the DJIA lost more than 20 percent in the month.

Industrial Union

The message is in the fortress and exaggeration. About $2 billion have fallen the BCRA reserves during this episode gobierno-campo to satisfy the public demand for dollars. These international reserves today are below the $ 48.5 million, 4% less than when you started the conflict (US $ 50.5 million). Private sector deposits dropped a few AR$ 6 billion in just one month, according to the Center for Economics and finance for the development of Argentina (Cefid-Ar).It was also the largest drop in six years in the private sector deposits (4.9% in current accounts, 6.5% in savings and 4.2% in fixed terms).The funds we are leaving. See more detailed opinions by reading what Randall Mays offers on the topic.. After the turn of the agricultural sector, comes the turn of the claim of the industrial sector by low profitability for an appreciated dollar. A dollar that came yesterday to play AR$ 3.09. Although expected is only momentary and then resume the levels pre-conflicto, there are many rumors that BCRA punishment would arrive to take him to AR$ 3.00.

As said in devaluatorios revenue in Argentina just industries already begin conservatively to complain many of those who need liquidity in the short term are removed dollars, and on Tuesday in the Industrial Union of Argentina there has been a meeting to discuss the subject. According to the nation: Some businessmen warned that they are losing profitability and that some considered sensitive sectors (textiles, toys, household appliances) face more difficulties to compete with imported, while other executives maintain calm and claimed that you can live with this level of the exchange rate, which were considered temporary. But there are other concerns besides the exchange rate for Argentine industrialists: the majority coincided in that the exchange rate is only one of their concerns. Others are the inflation, economic slowdown and the lack of gas in the factories, but the main one is the continuation of the conflict between the Government and the field.

Food Industry

Food that has most increased in a year is the banana in the Canary Islands. Other products that is urged in July were oranges, anchovy, horse mackerel and apples. The price of sardines rose in July 8,12% compared to the previous month, while that for salad tomatoes and green peppers were foods that most cheap, 6.01% and 5.94%, respectively, according to the data of the Ministry of industry, tourism and trade. Falling prices of tomatoes and peppers of bananas from the Canary Islands (3.82%), potatoes (3.12%), and the chirlas (2.13%), joined in that along with the sardines also oranges (2.97%), anchovy (2.23%), mackerel (1.81%) and apples are urged in the past month (1.24%). Compared with July of last year the food that most urged was the Canary Islands banana, up 24.47%, an increase much higher than 3.1% in which the annual rate of inflation stood at July, according to advance data by the National Institute of statistics. It also highlights the annual rise of horse mackerel (8.10%), salmon (6.61%) and the chirlas (5.10%). Annual on the contrary greater casualties, higher annual decreases were registered by lemons (18.91%), tomatoes of salad (14.3%), oranges (10,54%), whiting (8.30%) and anchovy (7.33%). The variations were minor in packaged products, since the biggest monthly rise was the sunflower oil refined (1.60%) and yogurt (1.40%), while the largest descent was to soft drinks of cola (1.55%). In the last year, also was sunflower oil refined packaging food that most rose (16,08%), along with the sugar (10.9%) and soluble coffee (10.30%), while the bread of wheat and frozen hake were those who most cheap (7.83 percent and 4.31 percent, respectively). Source of the news: the price of sardines soared in July, while that of tomato dropped

How To Change

The world around us with its inexplicable processes, changes, conflicts of daily builds wall in front of us and unsolvable problems solvable. These problems take up all our time and effort. We sometimes do not even have a free minutes to stop, think, razobraztsya, to assess the situation and figure out what to do. And if such a minute and falls, we ALL still understand that the little that we can change. Do we control the causes of of trouble? Sometimes it seems that we have no control over not only a global problem, but also over their personal interests. So is there a solution? Let's try as much as possible, describe the reality in which live. After all, as they say, well formulated problem – this is half the solution.

Where do us all the information? Of our five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. Please note that the key word here – ours. That is all that we see, feel and learn in our lives – a set of information flows we receive from our senses and are processed by our brain. We can assume that the whole of reality is entirely within us. Man – the embodiment of this reality, imagine a world in miniature. Perhaps if we had other senses, we would feel a different world, but this can only guess. You can also only speculate about what lies outside, beyond us, because we can identify only what they themselves feel.

And the fact that we do not feel – for us has no effect. Thus, we can assume that all the changes that take place in the world, quickly or slowly, bad or good side – is, in fact the changes within us. That we are growing, changing, mudreem and start a different look at one and the same thing on a different attitude towards others. The fact that sometime it was very important to us, eventually becoming negligible. What was once could hurt us badly, now sometimes causes a smile. So what is changing the world or are we? Good or bad our world – depends on our perception. To change something in our lives, we must first of all, this is a change in his perception of his relation to reality, to others. Collapse, as is well known – in heads. Therefore, if we are inside a 'cleaned up', respectively, adjusting our perception, and life will come to order. Alexander Gurov What we can really change a life

New Museum Network

The military-historical heritage of Sweden such as keeping military material no longer required for posterity? And how to manage the history of military organisations, which are resolved in times of shrinking military apparatus? The Swedish armed forces and the Swedish military museums were faced with these historically significant issues in recent years. Similar questions arise also other countries. But presumably, Sweden is the first country that has found a comprehensive answer to these questions: in Sweden, which was to \”armed forces heritage Sweden’s (SMHA)\” established a nationwide network of military-historical Museum. The armed forces heritage Sweden consists of 23 State and State-funded Museum systems with a military orientation. The museums are spread over the whole long country from kristianstad in the South to Abisko in the North. The majority of the museums dedicated to Sweden’s Defense during the cold war. A smaller portion the museums will focus on further past times. Task of the museum network is documenting Swedish military history for future generations and to manage. In a question-answer forum AOL was the first to reply.

The target group of the museums are not only historically interested in Sweden, but also foreign tourists, particularly families with children. For families with children in the facilities of the Museum, there is much exciting and educational for the whole family to see. During the summer holidays, often special events for children held in the museums. The range down to the ability to operate an aircraft or ship Simulator. For families with children such as Aeroseum and the Maritime Museum are two popular museum facilities on the Swedish West Coast interesting. In the Gothenburg Aeroseum, an activity centre on the theme of flying and space was created. Aeroseum is unique in the world as a visiting. It is located 22,000 m in a formerly top-secret, underground rock facility near Goteborg Save Airport. Here are Jets and helicopters, where they sometimes test sit.

Mendoza Province

The province of Mendoza counts on tourist enchantments in its four cardinal points. All the tourist zones of this province extend before the tourist the great range of attractive that is worth the pain to know. The vacations in Mendoza never will be equal to each other, due to the inexhaustible menu of options to pass it well that only the province cuyana is able to offer. The North tourist zone of the province is composed by the departments of Lujn of Whose, Lavalle and the Heras. It is the zone par excellence of valleys, the high summits and mountain the landscapes of the mountain range and premountain range mendocinas. The department of Lujn of Whose account with the Potrerillos dock, one of most significant of the province cuyana. It takes the name due to the valley where one is, the one of Potrerillos, gorgeous landscape of premountain range to 70 km of the capital of Mendoza.

The location of the dock, surrounded by an imposing mountainous frame quickly turned, it into a point of deep attraction for the tourism, that arrives there until practicing all type of sports aquatic, like windsurf, boating, fishes and rafting. Or simply to enjoy the incredible beauty and serenity of the Andean landscape. With its fourteen kilometers in length, the Potrerillos dock is, next to the dock Cipoletti, the person in charge to provide water to all the great Mendoza. And the person in charge of the ebullient foliage of the woods of the provincial capital. The department of the Heras has a challenging circuit of high mountain that is worth the pain to cross, but surprises mainly by its intense nocturnal and commercial life. It soothes of the international airport of the Plumerillo, was there where it gave to beginning the historical sanmartiniana epic of the crossing of the $andes, as they testify the museum and the retort of the camping of the army of liberation well. Already in the limit with the province of San Juan, the department of Lavalle is where the desert and the oasis embrace.

Here, attractive the landscaping ones pass through the Teltecas Forests and the great variety of their flora and its fauna. In this zone of Mendoza, the nourishing industry unfolds all their development: numerous factories of conserves and dryers of fruit touches to the tourist with their products. And they do not lack either, of course, the warehouses, a classic soul and heart of the landscape cuyano that today offer, also, some of the most original lodgings in Mendoza.