Cultural Ecology

But what it is it will be after all Ecology Human being? It has some different boardings to the subject and all have differences in its respective perspectives on the subject. However, something of common they must have to be considered part of the Ecology Human being. Probably we are speaking of the primordial relation that exists between the man and the environment where it lives, where it inhabits, where keeps relations with other people, with other species, and of which proper it is part and for which it would make lack if already did not make more part of it. Read more here: madison hospital. Continuing with the ambient determinismo, this theory was very spread out through the centuries (Montesquieu, in century XVIII, direct exaltou the climate as influenciador of the behavior and the personality) (Honigmann, 1976), only come to lose its theoretical force in century XX, when Franz Good opened ambient deterministas eyes and horizontes accusing to have completely etnocntricas vises in its theoretical compositions. Of this form, it launched hand of the importance of the cultural relativismo that would have to be present in the studious objective comments of and the searching ones on the culture of the peoples.

Thus, the ambient possibilismo of Good appeared criticizing the simplistas causal relations between environment and culture evidenced by the ambient determinismo. Sculptor Capital will not settle for partial explanations. The ambient possibilismo ' ' it emphasized the importance primary of the specific historical events in the creation of the cultures through constant changes throughout the time (…) the immediate cause of specific cultural characters was other cultural characters. The surrounding one was important only when limiting the possibilities of a culture? therefore the term possibilismo ambiental' ' (Kormondy and Brown, 2002). The Cultural Ecology of Julian Steward, in which the cultural nucleus of a group (the ways that this group has to get foods) directly influences the cultural and social organization of the same.

Erich Fromm

Who obtains to discover this value, is possible to love in fact with wisdom and truth, does not have falseness, but it is glad with the joy of the other, I I have the firmest certainty. According to Goya, (1999), the necessary man to discover the condition human being who it has and that he differentiates of the excessively animal ones, affirms that: … as can the man be free and happy if it does not obtain to be pleased? According to Erich Fromm, not even the most absolute satisfaction of the instinctive necessities it decides the problem of the absence of the happiness human being, therefore that the man is something more than pure instinct. So that the man if carries through in all its potentialities it needs, therefore, to go beyond its mere biological condition; it needs to walk in the direction to develop those facultieses specifically human beings and that … differentiates it of the animals (GOYA, 1999, p.5).

Evident that in the current world the problems are many, in all the areas, that are in the health, the security, in the education, in the environment. But it needs to search ways to continue the life in the Planet, and thus it is of quality, with social and ambient support. A sustainable world in all the areas of the scientific and technological development, where the life is an essential, untouchable value, treated with love and preserving it. Thus, each individual to discover the essence of the love and to cultivate it in its life, being transmitted the perfume for the others, sharing the good humanistic values, looking for of certain form, to know the other better. To think about the other, in a global dimension is something capable to change paradigms in the society, becoming it more human being and valued, this new way to socially think respecting the particularitities of the peoples as for the culture, social condition, level of instruction, nationality, regionalism, traditions etc.

How To Change

The world around us with its inexplicable processes, changes, conflicts of daily builds wall in front of us and unsolvable problems solvable. These problems take up all our time and effort. We sometimes do not even have a free minutes to stop, think, razobraztsya, to assess the situation and figure out what to do. And if such a minute and falls, we ALL still understand that the little that we can change. Do we control the causes of of trouble? Sometimes it seems that we have no control over not only a global problem, but also over their personal interests. So is there a solution? Let's try as much as possible, describe the reality in which live. After all, as they say, well formulated problem – this is half the solution.

Where do us all the information? Of our five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. Please note that the key word here – ours. That is all that we see, feel and learn in our lives – a set of information flows we receive from our senses and are processed by our brain. We can assume that the whole of reality is entirely within us. Man – the embodiment of this reality, imagine a world in miniature. Perhaps if we had other senses, we would feel a different world, but this can only guess. You can also only speculate about what lies outside, beyond us, because we can identify only what they themselves feel.

And the fact that we do not feel – for us has no effect. Thus, we can assume that all the changes that take place in the world, quickly or slowly, bad or good side – is, in fact the changes within us. That we are growing, changing, mudreem and start a different look at one and the same thing on a different attitude towards others. The fact that sometime it was very important to us, eventually becoming negligible. What was once could hurt us badly, now sometimes causes a smile. So what is changing the world or are we? Good or bad our world – depends on our perception. To change something in our lives, we must first of all, this is a change in his perception of his relation to reality, to others. Collapse, as is well known – in heads. Therefore, if we are inside a 'cleaned up', respectively, adjusting our perception, and life will come to order. Alexander Gurov What we can really change a life

The Taming

If you do not want to do anything, you need to understand ourselves, to remember his childhood dreams and desires, to see how you can transform them into today's adult life, and immediately begin doing so. First, the occupation you love will give you an additional supply of energy. Second, you will have specific goals for implementation of which you also start to produce energy. And if you already have a clear goal, but one can not make act itself, there is need to work with the very goals. The first reason – the goals are not yours, but you imposed from outside. It's logical, if you do not want to do so, the soul resists, because the soul can not fool (you've always enough energy to go into the kitchen and take in the fridge to eat something tasty, or go to the boss for a salary). Therefore, we must seek their goals by asking the right questions and performing specific exercises. The second reason – your goals, but you do not have painted for myself clearly enough.

That is something you want, but what exactly is unclear. The objectives are as if in a fog. Here, too, must do special exercises to clarify your goals, for pumping. That is, as a result of these exercises, so you should burn your goals. But here, you may receive a different problem. You'll do your goals around the clock seven days a week and your family will gradually worried about your condition. But it is quite normal.

When you go to your goals, you can work day and night and did not rest. As said Celentano in the wonderful movie "The Taming of the Shrew": "Charter when do what they do not like. And I'm doing his favorite thing and never get tired. " Let us repeat the most important points: 1.Energiya not there for a reason. She was always there for something for a particular purpose. 2.Chem more global your dream / goal, the more you get energy. 3.Mechta be big, but real for you. You have to believe in its implementation. If you do not believe in it, then do not get the energy. 4.Energiyu not accumulate. We can only create an environment where you can always get it in the right quantity 5.Esli you do not want to do, remember your child's play and transform them into an adult class. 6.Esli goal is not inspiring, or it is not yours, or insufficiently thought out and articulated. In principle, all the basic information is already told. As a conclusion: your main goal – to come up with such dreams and formulate them in such purpose, that they simply do not inspire you, and made to tremble on the thought of them. And then you will not need to force yourself to do something to motivate or something else. It will not be a problem. You will have to restrain myself sometimes contrary to some cool their ardor. I wish you inspiring you to dream about things and it is easy to reach your goals.


Astrology – calculates the future, Kabbalah against it, because astrology does not consider the positive human intervention during the repair process, and only the dynamics of the influence of higher forces. And not by a higher power, who feels only a Kabbalist, and on their grounds in our world – the stars, etc.. Nobody is saying that there is no valid data (especially in the last century, it could) – on the contrary, they are there and it is therefore prohibited to go beyond their free will. Michael Laitman The Internet has caused great interest the article on Vanga, who predicted the global crisis. In article contains an interview with the visionary, where she says that 'people will live in misery until they change themselves for the better … It's simple: do not lie and do not steal, and then change the lives of every person and the world will change! " It complained that people would come to her for help and advice every day, nearly sixty years, 'And all I ask only about her, personally. No one was ever asked about the fate of mankind … ' Doomsday Wang did not say, but said: 'I see bare, blank, burnt earth.

And it is a bunch of people, like a shadow. To correct for the future, we have to change people's minds. This applies to all mankind. " Comments on the article in volume several times larger than the article itself. People and agree, and resent. And I understand them. All agree that we are losing trust in each other that it is better to live in the good and the world than in the fear and hatred.

First More

But the fact is that this energy can be stored in you and will never belong to you. All of the energy belongs only to the universe. That is not special practices or procedures to accumulate a large amount of energy. You can only do so much to your feeds cleaned, and you could pass through a greater amount of energy. But that's not all. Here, Joel and Ethan Coen expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Even if you become like a powerful conduit for the transfer of energy, you have more accurate know where and what you spend it.

That is, you will never be energetic and cheerful, if nowhere aspire. The universe always gives you just enough energy, so you need to achieve your goals. The more brighter and bigger goals, the more you will be allocated for energy (unless you are ready to accept it). If you do not dream about anything, do not want in your life, you have no energy, respectively, because you it's just not why. AND Conversely, the more global your goals, the more you released energy. But there is no need to fall into another extreme and to set such goals, the realization that you simply do not believe it. Then you just give up on yourself and you will have one more reason to suffer and ponyt for fun. Often people ask me questions that should be taken when nothing you do not want to do. Or when there is a specific target but not the strength to achieve them. For First, I answer it.