Weather Temperature

Weather Temperature variations during the Holocene. The Holocene began after the event ended the Younger Dryas cooling, after which the temperatures are milder. The Holocene Climatic Optimum was a warm period that occurred during the interval between approximately 9000 and 5000 years ago. The global climate was between 0.5-2 C warmer than it is today. However, the warming probably was not uniform throughout the world. This period ended around 5500 years ago, when the first human civilizations in Asia and Africa began to flourish. Then began the Neoglacial, where temperatures dropped gradually until the twentieth century, with the possible exception of heating the Medieval Climatic Optimum (siglos X-XIV).The highlight of the cooling was the Little Ice Age, with three maxima: over 1650, 1770 and 1850. The warming of the Holocene has been an interglacial period and there is no reason to believe they represent the view of glacial cycles. However, current global warming may cause the Earth to warm more than the previous interglacial period, Riss-W rm, which peaked at approximately 125,000 years ago temperatures warmer than today. This phenomenon is sometimes called a super-interglacial. Compared to glacial conditions in the habitable zones interglacial spread northward, reaching its northernmost point during the Holocene Climatic Optimum. Increased moisture in the polar regions caused the disappearance of boreal grasslands.

Global Entrepreneurship Week

For the first time in Germany – actions for pupils and students of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2008: action week for young entrepreneurship in Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany October 2008 also the world tomorrow needs entrepreneurs. New entrepreneurs with fresh ideas and confidence. So we need to wake up now the creative entrepreneurial spirit among young people”, the initiators say the global entrepreneurship week, the global week of action for entrepreneurship, the 2008 for the first time worldwide and will take place in Germany. Numerous events under the roof are nationwide from November 17 to 23 global entrepreneurship week offered and networked with one another. The events want to show young people and students creative ways to implement their ideas. You can discover new perspectives, try being independent with lots of fun, or learn from others how they have made their idea a good company. Who are interested or want to join, will find all information on the Internet at the address.

There can be even more Organizer as cooperation partner login and enter dates. Welcome is what interested young people and promotes the culture of self-employment. Schools, universities, companies, communities, and organizations are invited to be a partner of the event. Themes and type of event can be freely selected it may be impossible, unusual and creative. Suggestions can be found in the section events on global

Each player, whether a main pupil, an entrepreneur, a craftsman, a College Professor, a city, a student, a politician or even a football club can help, that the young generation on the day puts more entrepreneurial spirit and thus supports the development of regional, German and the global economy”, underline the initiators. Winners of the global entrepreneurship week in Germany and the Association MicroMountains network together with the IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg to the South, as well as the University of Wismar for the North. Patron is Federal Minister of Economics Michael Glos. She is promoted entrepreneurship week global from the economic ministries of the Lander of Baden-Wurttemberg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, as well as by the European Social Fund (ESF) of Baden-Wurttemberg. World companies such as IBM, Ernst & young and the Stock Exchange NYSE Euronext are among the sponsors and idealistic supporters. The global entrepreneurship week is the world’s largest series of events to promote entrepreneurship among young people. It goes back to renowned British and American foundations, economic, social and governmental initiatives. Only the call to let the first worldwide held Global Entrepreneurship Week 2008 has triggered a wave of ideas, initiatives and actions. You can on the International website of the global entrepreneurship week track.

Global Productivity Survey

Wasted work time increased to more than a third. Every week lost 1.7 working days. Frankfurt am Main, 17.11.08 the proportion of wasted work time is worldwide exceeds one-third mark. The main causes are bad leadership and lack of communication, analyzes the global productivity study of management consulting Proudfoot consulting. Germany loses the connection in a global comparison: the unproductive time increased to over 40 percent, German companies are almost half of their potential unused. Still invested in Germany at least the qualification of managers, although the economic waters in the face of the credit crunch may be restless.

2007 decreased the worldwide productivity compared to the previous year by 67,9% to 65.7%. In Germany the share of productive time is only 59.8 percent. In other words: two work days a week are spent unproductively in German companies. Only South Africa’s companies cut worse. In the face of the financial crisis and a “possible recession sees Peter Ascher, head of Proudfoot consulting in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland, the company faced a big challenge: the potential is there, but it need to be lifted as soon as possible, so that the moving market are flexible and able to act.” Germans give the executives in Germany are potential according to their own estimate only reach 57 percent of the potential productivity gains.

The Manager will use more than 80 percent of the potential in the growth regions of China, Brazil, India and Russia (BRIC). Poor management: the problems are homegrown reasons for wasted work time are for the most part in the company itself. There are deficiencies in the management and the staff qualification, as well as lack of communication within the company. Also the skills shortage already penetrate on productivity. As countermeasures, the companies have recognized the importance of leadership and staff development. Round 80 per cent want to invest here. However, only 58 percent IT investments see as a solution. Just the German executives get world’s most rarest benefit from training. Only 5.4 days per year German Manager training educate, that is about half as much as the global average. Training, employee and leadership development are important starting points. “Companies need to do more to establish productivity quickly, but also sustainable: you need to establish a culture of productivity” Peter Ascher advises. This concept is increasingly accepted in the company: 56% of companies all over the world want to implement a change programme. The 8th Global productivity study from Proudfoot consulting is based on a survey of more than 1,000 executives worldwide and more than 3,000 business analyses of the Proudfoot consultants. About Proudfoot: Proudfoot consulting is an international consulting firm that specializes in the sustainable increase of productivity and sales effectiveness in companies. The Proudfoot consultants have implemented successfully many projects in recent years, which have resulted in a significant and clearly measurable improvement in the operating results. The company is part of the publicly traded Management Consulting Group PLC, which operates under the name of Proudfoot consulting in Europe, the United States, South Africa, Australia/Pacific and China/Asia. Press contact: wbpr Public Relations Jan Manz Tel.: 0049/89/99 59 06-13 fax: 0049/89/99 59 06-99 E-mail: