The Measure

Of the cantador artist to the small peasant passing for the militant partisan politician, all enxerga in the MST its ideal of fight, that is the movement is the reproduction of the fight of classrooms in Brazil and represents all the history of the ideological militancy politician of the country. Thus the movement arrives in the alias process in the life of people who try to survive with the law of the capitalism, but with another logic inside of the nestings the relations if establish of collective form. How the MST is a transforming agent of the Brazilian territory? The transformations in the Brazilian territory are continuous, many are agents of the changes, and the MST is an example of this. This comes trying to change the reality and for this she is necessary to understand the world, to analyze to modify and the movement donates without land looks for to make it. The development of the capitalism of different form in asks for the growth of the people therefore separates, segregates in rich and poor, the detainers of the power and those that must work for the possessors of the means of production. This different form in the field has generated fights, and the nestings are a form to fight, to say not to the capitalism that segregate and humiliate the citizens, and the nestings change the space in the measure where in these transformations occur partner-espacias where new relations are lived deeply in this, either introducing new activities, either reacting to the productive process. We can say that without land they are desterritorializados individuals that find its identity in the movement and thus they try to cariar a new world where it has possibilities of inclusion for population giving them conditions to come back the land. The MST if return stop territorializao of the field, for the use of this. David Zaslav often says this.