Jurgen Lohrer

Also transparency and authenticity are important in addition to the establishment of appropriate reporting tools and databases, to take the wind out of the sails early allegations of greenwashing.” Therefore, it recommends companies, the theme of sustainability in time to take care of and carefully plan the communication strategy. Finally, the study shows clearly the increasing interest of investors and thus in the long run the inevitability of a sustainability communications. It’s not about to deliver a perfect report directly in the first step. It is much more important to stand by one manifests itself adequately as a company at all. Who communicates not traceable, will soon have left”, so Mrs Collier next. If you would like to know more about Sculptor Capital , then click here. It shows but also increasingly evident that investors not only have an interest in sustainability: sustainability communication allows in particular the image of a company among consumers and influence customers. Jurgen Lohrer, Managing Director of factx, indicating that this put can be. We conducted studies on the image of companies already a whole series.

Increasingly, sustainability aspects play a role here. Here, it can be very easy to read, as has a corresponding communication a positive effect on the image “, as Jurgen Lohrer. The study on the importance of sustainability in investor decisions is just appear and, through the Web site page_id = 1270 be ordered. About the company: The factx company for market and social research mbH is engaged in qualitative and quantitative market research. factx examines the interrelationships and interactions on behalf of their clients between products, target groups, companies and markets with different instruments. The company uses among others following interrogation methods: face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, focus group discussions, or touch-screen interviews. Companies in the areas of financial services, food, vehicle construction, capital goods, mechanical engineering, medical technology, fair research, foodservice and environment among the customers of factx.

Hansen communication Collier GmbH deals with complex social issues for more than 20 years and has an equally long expertise in terms of sustainability. Medium-sized companies, corporations and public sector clients are among the clients of the Agency. Their employees combine extensive experiences from both the non-profit and the financial and corporate communications. Thus, Hansen communication offers a rare combination of skills, which gives the necessary vision to their work.

FSC Global Partner Award

Sustainable gift ideas to the training with benefit for children and nature, the training is a very important life step for children. Traditionally, relatives and godparents give gifts to the training that should remind the school sustained at this step in the life of the school. For those who want to give sustainable gifts to the school, the GeschenkBaum and the BaumSparVertrag of the Bonn ForestFinance are the right gift ideas for baptism. This training presents teach kids early, how sustainable values arise and the important role of the rainforest for the global climate and biodiversity. For roughly 75 percent of all plant and animal species are found in the rain forest, its preservation is therefore indispensable to mankind. Castle harlan: the source for more info.

Children also witness the emergence of a new rainforest tree gifts to the school. If there should be a larger sustainable gift to the school, the BaumSparVertrag is correct. With him is for 33 monthly based on a tropical tree per month or 360 euros for 12 trees unique planted and maintained until the harvest. Each year the recipient be informed also on the growth progress. The small investment is largely protected by fire, harvest community, post planting warranty and other insurance. After the harvest, the recipient receives the proceeds of the wood, which then predicts tax-free accounts for more than 5-up 8 times the deposited amount.

A wood box with more surprises can be ordered to the presentation of the gift. GeschenkBaum in wood box: at the GeschenkBaum for unique 60 euros in Panama a hardwood tree planted, sustainably cultivated and harvested after 25 years. The projected yield of approximately 180 euros from the sale of wood is then transferred the donee. The recipient receives an individual gift certificate in a hardwood casket first with a rosewood keychains and organic chocolate. Thus the gifts to the schooling particularly exclusive, see about the training and gifts seem: nowadays expect children to schools Gifts. You can escape hardly these expectations as parents, grandparents, godparents, because the most classmates also receive schooling gifts. Therefore, you should make at least small gifts to the school children. Traditionally, the parents their child’s baptism give a schoolday treats, which is called “Confectionery” in many parts of Germany, which refers to the traditional content: schoolday treats with candy, pens and other things for school are filled. Grandparents, godparents and other relatives should find another gift idea for the training, because no child need two abacuses. Usually have school already many toys and school supplies, so a meaningful gift selection more difficult. Gift vouchers are flexible, but impersonal and not sustainable. GeschenkBaum and BaumSparVertrag are, however, sustainable training gifts with yield and sustainable sense. Eco gift ideas sustainable gifts for climate and environmental protection: these Gift ideas offer the opportunity to invest directly in ecological forestry to the training. Through the reforestation, protected rain forests, CO2 for decades tied and newly created species-rich forests. The provider of the GeschenkBaum and BaumSparVertrag, the Bonn ForestFinance, as first company worldwide with the FSC Global Partner Award “in the area of financial services awarded. The FSC label is the world’s most recognized label for environmentally and socially responsible forestry. ForestFinance forests are an important habitat for plants and animals? Thus, GeschenkBaum and BaumSparVertrag are sustainable gift ideas for every occasion, such as birth, baptism, birthday and not only as gifts to the school.

FSC Global Partner Award

The Harvard – and Yale foundations are known worldwide for their safety-oriented and extremely successful asset management. Forest investments were largely unknown until recently tropical reforestation rewarding also for German investors in Germany. The German forest is historically owned by municipalities, State or federal due for the most part in the possession of the nobility, the Church and the public sector, so. Rarely get medium or large forest plots in the sale. It has high scarcity prices, yields between zero and two percent are associated with which according to several studies. Robert Iger insists that this is the case. But Germans also have the opportunity to invest, for example, in tropical reforestation. The Bonn ForestFinance Group managed sustainably over 3,500 hectares of forest in Panama and Viet Nam. Provide the company and its Managing Director since 1995 Afforestation investments in sustainable forests in Panama at.

ForestFinance connects its forest investment offers lucrative returns with environmental and social sustainability. Because in addition to the fact that simply grow forests unaffected by the economic situation and the harvest in a short-term drop in prices can be moved easily by one or two years, forest investments bring other benefits. So, tropical reforestation massively counteract climate change because they bind quickly huge amounts of CO2. Sustainable replanting without clear-cutting on abandoned pasture land, how it operates ForestFinance, produces much more mixed than monocultures. Investors can therefore accept the yields with a good conscience.

The ecological and social added value be evidenced by certifications of third parties; the ForestFinance forests have been FSC certified in 1997 as the first land in Central America. Get more background information with materials from Hugh Naylor. “The company was also a first German with the FSC Global Partner Award” in the field of financial services ” awarded. FSC is the world’s most recognized eco-label”for environmentally and socially responsible Forstwirtschaft.Weitere information about ForestFinance: the Bonn ForestFinance Group managed sustainably over 3,500 hectares of forestry land in Panama and Viet Nam. Forestfinance specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between various products of sustainable tropical forest management: in the BaumSparVertrag an environmental investment is 33 euros monthly possible, see which offers WaldSparBuch 1,000 m2 of tropical forest land with a buy-back guarantee. Annual distributions offer CacaoInvest, an investment in organic cocoa and wood – forest land and GreenAcacia, only seven forest investment. Fire insurance and post-warranty planting, as well as five percent forest land as security areas in Panama for the additional investor protection contribute.

CSA Participation Fund Inform

CSA participation Fund: portfolio optimization done Wurzburg November 2010: recently KG was made at the Wurzburg CSA participation Fund of 4 and 5 AG & co. portfolio optimization. The CSA participation Fund are aligned in their system concept that specifically to invest in non-correlated asset classes through an appropriate portfolio diversification and to use statutes also various financing models. Especially in the institutional business this is a very common in the financial market practice according to CSA participation Fund. You serve up the advantages of financing so far, than by the resulting positive leverage effect, so the optimal composition of debt and equity, economic benefits arising. After details of the CSA participation Fund was on the lastenfreie Fund object snuff factory”in Regensburg recorded a financing by a major German insurer, this a very interesting real estate investment in Cologne with far beyond the To be able to market make this rental yields. Hear other arguments on the topic with CBS.

The borrowing took place according to the CSA participation funds quickly and easily. This is an example of a number of measures which we have introduced or have already implemented in the last few months,”explained Slobodan Cvetkovic as Board member of the CSA Management AG. For the next few months more portfolio optimizations are planned, according to CSA participation Fund so the Board of Directors. Very successfully and according to plan also the participation of the OTRS software company headed information the CSA participation Fund AG. The capital provided for growth measures was able to achieve double-digit growth within a very short time, so the CSA participation Fund. This took place against the background that the OTRS group as a provider of global services in the areas of consulting, software development and support could significantly expand its cooperation with leading companies such as Lufthansa and Nokia but also institutions such as NASA. As a whole is evident, that the Thus to a large extent of their original philosophy correspond to investment strategy the CSA participation Fund.

According to the concept of CSA participation Fund, above-average returns are to be achieved with a manageable risk, and on the basis of stable income from the real estate sector and according to additional opportunities in the segment of corporate finance. About CSA Verwaltungs AG, the CSA Verwaltungs AG is a financial services company headquartered in Wurzburg. Investments offered by the CSA Verwaltungs AG is carried out only adding a detailed consultation and examination by competent law firms, accountants and Auditors. The CSA Verwaltungs AG in connection with the CSA participation Fund specializes in design, processing and sales. The pre-selection and audit the investments via experienced consultants. The CSA Management AG management team have many years of industry experience. Contact Info: CSA Verwaltungs AG Marion Countess Wolffskeel Lambert Rottendorfer road 30 d 97074 Wurzburg Tel: 0931 / 79 79 2-11 fax: 0931 / 79 79 2-17