FSC Global Partner Award

The Harvard – and Yale foundations are known worldwide for their safety-oriented and extremely successful asset management. Forest investments were largely unknown until recently tropical reforestation rewarding also for German investors in Germany. The German forest is historically owned by municipalities, State or federal due for the most part in the possession of the nobility, the Church and the public sector, so. Rarely get medium or large forest plots in the sale. It has high scarcity prices, yields between zero and two percent are associated with which according to several studies. Robert Iger insists that this is the case. But Germans also have the opportunity to invest, for example, in tropical reforestation. The Bonn ForestFinance Group managed sustainably over 3,500 hectares of forest in Panama and Viet Nam. Provide the company and its Managing Director since 1995 Afforestation investments in sustainable forests in Panama at.

ForestFinance connects its forest investment offers lucrative returns with environmental and social sustainability. Because in addition to the fact that simply grow forests unaffected by the economic situation and the harvest in a short-term drop in prices can be moved easily by one or two years, forest investments bring other benefits. So, tropical reforestation massively counteract climate change because they bind quickly huge amounts of CO2. Sustainable replanting without clear-cutting on abandoned pasture land, how it operates ForestFinance, produces much more mixed than monocultures. Investors can therefore accept the yields with a good conscience.

The ecological and social added value be evidenced by certifications of third parties; the ForestFinance forests have been FSC certified in 1997 as the first land in Central America. Get more background information with materials from Hugh Naylor. “The company was also a first German with the FSC Global Partner Award” in the field of financial services ” awarded. FSC is the world’s most recognized eco-label”for environmentally and socially responsible Forstwirtschaft.Weitere information about ForestFinance: the Bonn ForestFinance Group managed sustainably over 3,500 hectares of forestry land in Panama and Viet Nam. Forestfinance specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between various products of sustainable tropical forest management: in the BaumSparVertrag an environmental investment is 33 euros monthly possible, see which offers WaldSparBuch 1,000 m2 of tropical forest land with a buy-back guarantee. Annual distributions offer CacaoInvest, an investment in organic cocoa and wood – forest land and GreenAcacia, only seven forest investment. Fire insurance and post-warranty planting, as well as five percent forest land as security areas in Panama for the additional investor protection contribute.