Global Heating

Being a subject so argued currently, must be given importance to the global heating in its totality, not only characterizing it and aiming at measured prophylactic for such phenomenon. The understanding of the ecological disequilibria, its consequences and the ecological awareness of the people in a general way are basic so that the factors that are involved directly with the global heating and also its consequences such as the effect greenhouse better is understood. The objective of this work is to argue the main aspects on global Heating, its definition, curiosidades, the causes, consequences and mainly searching measured to attenuate or same to diminish the global heating aiming at the knowledge acquired during them you discipline of the Education of Biology and Daily and the Education of Chemistry and the Daily one. Word-key: global heating. acid rain. biology.

chemistry. daily. 1. Introduction the great majority of the ambient problems that occur currently in the world it could be prevented if the man had ecological awareness, its lack comes bringing ecological disequilibria, and its main consequence is the global heating sufficiently ample and very controversial subject. Being a subject so argued currently it is important that if it gives the due attention to this phenomenon, therefore the temperature of the planet comes increasing in a sped up rhythm and one never saw as many effect devastadores. The atmospheric region terrestrial troposphere call according to Godefroid (2010, P. 66), presents a similar behavior to a greenhouse, and that is possible had this layer to be composed for gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), clorofluorcabonetos (CFCs), ozone (O3) and nitric oxide (IN the 2), what it hinders the irradiation of most of the solar energy in return for the space provoking the increase of the temperature it planet, to this phenomenon calls effect greenhouse. Such phenomenon, always existed, being a regulator of the temperature, and if it did not have the Land would be a planet icecream at night, what it occurs is that the excess of these gases that aggravate the heating makes the cities ‘ ‘ produzirem’ ‘ more heat, forming what the scientists call ‘ ‘ islands of calor’ ‘.