The Global Real Estate Crisis

The eyes are on U.S. for a speedy recovery appears to be that close or not, after the tax credit in the U.S. comes to an end on April 30 without brakes Values fall suddenly. It seems frankly ridiculous in which several media only talk about an increase in home sales in USA which is true but the other side of the story is this: you buy a house for $ 50,000 … yes! and that is the key “sales rise but prices fall,” adding to that a historic record-breaking unemployment as in the era of Reagan, United States several years will worsen and drag to Europe For instance Chicago is a city most important economically speaking in the USA and this is a graph of property values in Chicago which is the average price down without brakes. This could last until 2013 just to stabilize the situation.

After comparing the Americans and Spanish market I can criticize the banking and government which has not been wet or appears extreme measures such as the U.S. government which draws millions of innocent owners and save the banks that are protected by some form of say in the middle who should take the call, which Consite to sell a property for the NO taxado value and the value provided by the payee bank, and thus move the market by creating opportunity, I’ll explain if someone bought a house in 2004 by 450,000 Euros was taxada today at 250,000 Euros, would be sold at that value and the bank will seek the tickling forgiving the remaining money to the landlord. What is the reason why an apartment in Barcelona in 2004 that costs money bought in 2010 for non-payment will be arrested for the simple fact of not being able to sell at a value that is more absurd than the titanic sunken? not fair and the government would have to find the chestnuts in this case charging the banks a difference and that the owner does not damage your future as a consumer, forcing him to seize his home, which really was they who provided the money without any logic as 100% of cattle to pay a mortgage, and I refieron to the libreton and others. Hypothetically this apartment in Barcelona arrested if you sell for the price taxado not due to the bank, where the logic …. I personally only see the punishment to the owner that has nothing to do with this horrible situation. For this reason and others Spain if not controlled and Zapatero takes action begins to control the banks and the banks could end up worse than the Titanic by the selfishness of the banks, although several European countries are in the same situation.

The Seeds Of The Globalization

The seeds of the globalization all Are common to find that the beginning of the known and present globalization started in years 50 with the explosion of the prosperity after-second war, the advent of computer science in commercial scale and the technological advances of the telecommunications. Made a mistake. The globalization is previous to this. We go to relembrar some marcantes facts that justify our assertive one. When in the decade of 60 the concept appeared of ' ' Global&#039 village; ' , term brother-in-law for Canadian sociologist Herbert Marshall McLuhan, in fact it was correct.

It came studying since the decade of 20 the technological advances of the information, communication and transport and the social transformations of decurrent them. At this moment the globalization can have entered in frank process of acceleration and evolution with all the praised and observed changes, but the phenomenon of the Globalization was previous the decade of 50 or 60. The globalization is for definition one of the processes of deepening of the economic, social, cultural integration and politics in the world. Then the intercommunication of the pairs and actors of the globalization is primordial so that this if consolidates. The concepts of border and the wars of the past had hindered or been always profits for the development of the globalization.

We can conclude then that the end of the cold war was, without a doubt, one of the main factors boosters. We can attribute to the distenso of the climate politician of the cold war to the commercial use and in bigger scale of the Internet. The Internet was the definitive tool in the consolidation of this process. The Internet appeared as military weapon that served the cold war, its commercial use, initiate in years 60 with the apex in the decade of 90 coincides with the cooling of the tensions between the Ussr and U.S.A.

July Retirement

Thus, the retirement would be calculated automatically by the formula: Sb = M x f Where: Sb = benefit wage; M = average of 80% bigger wages of contribution of the insured, refined between July of 1994 and the moment of the retirement, corrected monetarily; f = previdencirio factor. The approved previdencirio factor is gotten by intermediary of the following formula: Where: f = previdencirio factor; Id = age of the contributor at the moment of the retirement (id); You are = life expectancy; tc = contribution time; = aliquot in the value of 0,31, referring to the contribution of 11% of the employee more of 20% of the employer. Pparently the creation of the previdencirio factor certain sample rationality, also shows to a set of contradictions of the proper factor and certainly many questionings on the concrete impacts of its application to the long ones of the years that if had followed to its creation. 3,2 FRAGILITIES AND CONTRADICTIONS OF THE FORMULA OF THE FACTOR In agreement PREVIDENCIRIO DIEESE (2008), in what it says respect to the formula of the previdencirio factor, must be given the attention in two aspects of the model: the first one is the endogenous tax of interests foreseen and as it is the life expectancy as determinative element in the definition of the factor. Robert Iger is likely to increase your knowledge. DIEESE (2008) concludes that the implicit tax of interests increases when the age at the moment of the retirement increases. Therefore, when considering two workers with the same time of contribution and different ages, oldest would be benefited with a bigger tax of interests, what he would happen on its previdencirias contributions as if was deep a proper one where they would leave the resources to finance its retirement until its death. TABLE 2 DIEESE (2008) explains through examples of financial applications that the implicit taxes of annual real interests in the previdencirio factor are very on this side. .