DasTelefonbuch Hamburg

Telephone directory of the Hanseatic city now in a band of Frankfurt am Main, February 4, 2011 from next Monday is the new edition of DasTelefonbuch Hamburg available. The most obvious change: Now the current directory no longer comes compact in one volume, in two. Still more in there, because in the middle of the book, the Hamburg-based find now also a practical business and services directory, which is sorted by districts. As evidenced by a recent study, address and telephone directories are still very much in demand and will be used even more than a year ago. Hamburg is rapidly changing. On many corners, new residential buildings shoot up, the city attracts as many people.

DasTelefonbuch Hamburg was brought in the new year of 2011 on the current state. Up to 30 percent of the content have updated the Publisher. In the coming four weeks, the new phone books are distributed free of charge to the citizen. These are all participating REWE markets, post offices, net markets and JET petrol stations ready, in printed form and as a CD-ROM. Frank Walker, Managing Director of the TVG Publishing House, announced the most important change: now the Hamburg need to take two books at hand. You get everything in a band with the new phone book in 2011/2012 and have all the important information around Hamburg immediately at hand.” DasTelefonbuch Hamburg 2011/2012 includes many useful extras in addition to current address and phone details. These include a detailed city map, a directory of administrative authorities, transport information and a companies and services directory in the middle of the book. This is broken down by districts, so that entries can be quickly found. Read more here: Sean Rad. It contains many valuable tips from the pizzeria around the corner to the Garden Center on the outskirts of the city. A routing function is also integrated in the trilingual CD-ROM (German, English and Turkish).

The Congstar Stick

Who wants to surf mobile with Congstar, should stick to the Congstar decide. Meanwhile Germany wide can stick the Congstar mobile on the Internet be. But not the full HSDPA is in the download yet (high speed downlink packet access) speed. The selection of Internet surf sticks is great. A lot has happened on the Prepaidsektor. In addition to the major mobile operators, there are especially the discounters, which have discovered this market for itself.

Some of them have earned a good reputation in the course of time. Stick the Congstar is regarded here as one of the cheapest. As with him, the daily use of the Internet 2.49 Euro costs. Has you a chosen on the Internet, can you then 24 hours surfing at this rate. Regardless of whether you snack has logged out itself. Is the Internet then some days not taken, one must fear no further costs. Because this product is the prepaid, you must take no long contract periods. Also, a fee will not be charged and a minimum turnover does not exist.

Only the one-time purchase price is payable. This is 39.99 euros and includes 4 days free surfing. The credit is used up, it can be recharged at any time. By plug & play, the device will be detected at any time and can be connected to any modern PC or laptop. The D1 network which allows fast surfing with UMTS and HSDPA is used. Also the phone calls and send short releases is possible. 9 cents per minute or SMS are calculated for this. 2009 Congstar connect by the magazine “as best rate awarded. Included is included as well as an Internet Manager. This allows the management of the phone book to get an overview of the credits and an overview of the connections. Christopher Heinsius

Long Term Business Transformation

Major surge in convergent charging market expected Paderborn (Germany), 03 January 2012: according to leading analysts, the global convergent charging market will reach the $3.2 billion mark in 2015. ORGA Systems has gained traction in emerging markets with its integrated solutions that include charging policy and subscriber management functionality. They are specifically designed for integration in convergent networks – a valuable add on for real-time charging and billing system. By operating across multiple channels and through intelligent notification delivery, additional revenue streams are to unlocked due to intensified customer relationship, nurtured through continuous communication in real time. Operators’ need for convergence ORGA Systems offers a fully convergent solution that is IT based and meets the most stringent of requirements of MNOs while improving customer experience and customer loyalty at the same time. To meet operators’ demands for convergence, end-to-end convergent billing solutions have to offer real time charging, billing and financial management capabilities.

They handle have to charging and billing for all services, customer segment and payment methods, enabling them to bill any product and service, realize real-time rating and charging for all service and product types, use any payment method with a single-bill view in real time. Enabling long-lasting success ORGA Systems’ real-time charging solutions unify advanced charging scenarios for all services across all subscriber segment on one single platform. This enables faster launch of new and differentiating services, attractive mobile broadband offerings, as well as real time notifications and interaction. In addition to this, real time billing systems have to provide the flexibility, speed and real time convergent capabilities required to support new convergent business models. Convergent billing solutions are the only way to eliminate pre and postpaid silos and to quickly and efficiently roll out truly bundled services, up-sell and cross-promote services.

On top of this, excellent marketing and customer retention functionalities, as well as outstanding scalability and industry leading real time performance foster operator ‘ success in the long run. * Orga Systems #1 choice for real-time charging and billing ORGA Systems’ convergent real time charging and billing portfolio enables profitable business for telecommunication companies, mobile finance institutions, energy and telematic suppliers. ORGA Systems’ products and consulting services are designed for living in a connected world: lowest rating latency scalable architecture, outstanding performance, and consequent customer-centricity ensure reliable access to any child of next generation mobile services. Worldwide 40 + customers, serving 350 + M subscribers, rely on Orga systems and achieve competitive advantages in their industry: reduced OPEX, real time-to-market, short-termed ROI as well as beneficial access to new value chains and revenue streams.

Telephone Conferences Per IPhone

Telephone conferences per iPhone: meetyoo as a competent partner for innovative Conference Berlin, 04.11.2011 Conference goes mobile! Thanks to the support of meetyoo, your expert for phone conferences, O2 can expand its portfolio to a new iPhone app that makes Conference calls via mobile phone a breeze. Quality, safety, and personal service make meetyoo years to a competent partner in terms of telephone conferences. Additional services and individual adjustments on the part of meetyoo complete the partnership. meetyoo and O2 two strong partners for phone conferences as of leading telecommunications provider O2 sets standards in the area of innovative value-added services. The brand of the Spanish communications company Telefonica include S.A. for years and others on the support of meetyoo conferencing GmbH from Berlin. Looking for a reliable and quality-oriented specialist for telephone conferences the company in meetyoo found a competent service provider, O2 in particular due to the high demands of security could convince.

With the O2 conference service, the company expanded its product range to the much-used service of telephone conferences. Meetyoo this enabled customer-specific adjustments like E.g. the dial using speed dial. So, the O2 presents conference service as own O2 product which is fully operated by meetyoo in the background. This offers the advantage that O2 can concentrate fully on the marketing. Filed under: Jeffrey L. Bewkes. “More mobility for phone conferences with the O2 conference service guarantees the company unlimited mobility: conferences held there, where you are”, is the slogan of the service. The Conference PIN allows the Conference system unique spontaneous conferences as well as the SMS or online registration for permanent use. The Conference planning is facilitated with the invitation tool and also the Conference dial could hardly be easier.

The online control allows the Web Manager by meetyoo as an additional service for registered users the Conference participants through the Web browser. Since September, 2011 O2 with the iPhone app, the new mobile version of its conference service makes available. “Phone conferences can now also spontaneously organize themselves with just a few clicks on the iPhone”, as Johannes Pruchnow, Managing Director business at Telefonica Germany. Our new app for the O2 conference service suited for much travelling businesspeople”, he explains. O2 on meetyoo as a strong partner in the development could count in this case. The benefits of this partnership are clearly obvious: meetyoo supports its customers with many years of experience and expertise, which O2 with the new conference service app can offer one of the most flexible options for the organisation of teleconferences. Information about the product to meetyoo conferencing meetyoo conferencing GmbH with seat in Berlin is premium provider for international circuits of business telephone and event conferencing. Since 1999, meetyoo offers a variety of flexible conference solutions. As the only German Conference provider is ISO certified 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC meetyoo according to DIN 27001:2005. Thus, the 40-strong company committed to highest standards in terms of quality and safety. Press contact meetyoo conferencing GmbH Mandy Koebnik Director Marketing Friedrichstrasse 200 10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 30-868 710-400 fax: + 49 30-868 710-466 email: Web: Facebook: meetyoo Twitter: meetyoo