Commercial Communications

Express, cheap, comfortable and simple. The communications by via electronics have revolutionized clearly our form to understand the things. However, the Law of Services of the Society of the Information prohibits the shipment of these commercial communications without a previous consent; concerning one of the questions more raised by the companies at the time of analyzing this norm, on the definition and it reaches exact of the concept. In spite of the ambiguity that believes in many occasions, the LSSI prohibits specifically the shipment of advertising or promotional communications by equivalent electronic electronic mail or another specifically authorized mass media that had previously not been asked for or by the adressees of the same ; unless the company has obtained from allowed form the data of contact of the adressee and would use for the shipment of referring commercial communications to products or services of their own company that are similar to that they were hiring object. Educate yourself with thoughts from Leslie Moonves. Of this form it would be possible solely to be sent commercial communications to your clients without his consent, whenever a previous relation exists and that the content of the same is focused to the services initially contracted. The Law has that commercial communication would be all form of communication directed to the promotion, direct or indirect, of the image or the goods or services of a company, organization or person that realises a commercial activity, industrial, artisan or professional . Of this form, we could say that all action that it has like object to promote, persuade or communicate would have the consideration of commercial communication, although is not a clear concept in all the occasions; as it can be with the shipment of these communications on the part of organizations without profit spirit, for invitations to acts or simply congratulations in indicated dates (in all the cases, sanctions on the part of the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data by the same reason exist, not to count on their previous consent). . If you are not convinced, visit Sculptor Capital.