Chinese Internet

With the proper visa to China Chinese driving license, is the bevolkerungsreichte country in the world, but spread very unevenly in the Middle Kingdom the inhabitants”. While a million city to the others joining in the eastern coastal regions, the West is only very sparsely populated. Here, there are deserts, mountains and steppe. The regions provide everything you would expect an excellent region for outdoor holidays. World travellers, who are travelling with their own vehicle, think about the attractive landscape on its own four wheels to inquire. Unfortunately, the legal situation of the people’s Republic is self propelled with enormous challenges.

It begins with that neither the international driving licence is recognised even the national of Switzerland, Germany, Austria. Who so wants to drive, must acquire a Chinese driver’s license. The requirements are not high: you must correctly fill out only a multiple choice questionnaire. Agencies, specifically geared for expats who help to prepare the theoretical driving test. It is important to know, however, that only people for a Chinese driver’s license qualify, arrived with a visa, which is more than valid for three months. Thus, it is excluded that travelling on a tourist visa can acquire the coveted card. So who plans to drive a car, in China itself should seek already in advance the right visa.

Transliterations are possible, but often tedious in the settlement in the country circumstances. Special provider can advise you. It is possible to introduce your own vehicle. But this is associated with high costs. It is easy to rent a car locally. Local vendors have supermini of Chinese design on sale approximately 10 euros per day. Who is on the road like safer, can rent vehicles of famous brands of course also with the international agencies. Ultimately, only the question of where the journey should go arises. Certain work on the basis of the Chinese Internet censorship Online map services such as Google maps is limited. Chinese car are marked usually with GPS systems, but these have an English or even German-speaking user interface in the rarest of cases. We assist with route planning by the world travel Forum. Not only for trips of self-propelled, but also the planning of Backpacker Tours. It is a community portal of travel-interested.