English Language

English? the most common language in the world: it is native to the 500 million people living in 12 countries worldwide. For another 600 million people, English is a second language, so they are excellent and understand it, and written on it. But teaching English in nearly 90 countries. And some of them, such as Japan, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and China, learning English is mandatory. And in other countries such as Russia or France English for study, most students choose. Due to the fact that English is ubiquitous in the world, currently numbering more than a dozen dialects of English.

Naturally, the most main dialect (but not the first on prevalence) is a British English, distributed in the UK. The second largest and the first to spread the American dialect is English. Now it is spoken by more than 70% of all people who speak English. And it is precisely the influence of U.S. English language must be what it is today? the main language of interethnic communication. Among some more reasons why American English has received the most widespread, is that the U.S.

is far more education than in England. British and American dialects are by and large not much differ from each other. Yet difficulties in mutual understanding of the Englishman and an American there. This prompted the famous playwright and wit Bernard Shaw said that the U.S. and the UK – it is. The third most important dialect English is a Canadian. He is close to the phonetics and grammar of the English, but often uses, and the British spelling rules. In addition to the above-mentioned dialects, there are dialects common in the territories of the former British colonies: Australia, Pakistan, New Zealand, and India. In these dialects, the pronunciation is very different from British English, but they have with him the same grammar. Variant of English, distributed directly to England, as well as in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa called Comonwealth English – English is the British Commonwealth of Nations. And he is one of the public language of the European Union. It differs from American dialect and requires an additional translation into this dialect. For the official international dialogue and official translations into English from foreign languages used a homogenized version? Mid-Atlantic English? Mid English. In addition there are many dialects slang. We list the major: Spanish (Spanglish), German (Germish), Chinese (Chinglish) and even a Russian, English – Runglish! There are also Engrish? Japanese slang English. Model it can be translated instruction manual Japanese household appliances. In addition to the above-mentioned dialects and slang, for scientific and technical international communication, as well as for communication in other areas used simplified versions of English, which provides translation to it from other foreign languages are equally understandable to specialists of different countries: Special English, Basic English, Airspeak, Policespeak, Seaspeak, the last three are used respectively in flight, and with Interpol and marine communications. With the globalization of the world, English is increasingly strengthens its position as the language of international communication and deeper and deeper into the other languages. Can say that is pervasive angloizatsiya national languages.