Global Village

We live in a world of constant transformations, cadanova generation changes the forms of if relating and living in society. Creioque our generation will be marked for the transformations caused for the Internet, but after all, which is the importance of the Internet in the current society? The people are each time more discovering in the fast umamaneira Internet and efficient to enter in contact with people of others she pasesou, even though, to know cultural and social aspects of some parts doplaneta. Together with the television (currently the TV also can be had access pelInternet), the world-wide net of computers or Internet, is ferramentautilizada frequently a each bigger time for the people and the companies, breaking barriers and, each time more, binding the asidias people and spreading, thus forming a great Global Village. The Internet brought new formasde communication. We have as example the instantaneous communicators as the MSN, otelefone for the Internet as the Skype and the Oovoo, Electronic the ouCorreio email, social nets as the Orkut, Facebook, My Space, Octopop (old Gazzag) among others, all are tools based on Internet quepossibilitou a true revolution in the form as we communicate in them with outraspessoas. That is very positive, therefore it not only sold at a loss the cost of comunicaocomo became the people next.

The importance of the Internet in the society also to podeser attributed to the innumerable chances that can be explored by the Internet. As example we have the chance to know places virtually, to make umcurso at a distance, to work for the Internet, to know companies and people, entreoutras. which is the importance of the English language in the Internet? To each day that passes, the doIngls importance in our lives is clearer, and is easy to conclude that, without the knowledge of it, the communication with the remaining portion world, is practically impossible. The English language has much time is part of the life of the pessoaspor to be an international language and of the biggest importance, as much for lazerquanto in the field professional. Nowadays the world if communicates through desteidioma. (As opposed to Hotbox by Wiz ). Adding the technology of the Internet to the doIngls knowledge, one becomes possible the accomplishment of most important transaesefetuadas currently, as e-commerce, and e-business, where one becomes possible to carry through transactions with omundo even though entire without it is necessary to leave our city or danossa work chair. To know to inside read, to say and to understand the language inglesatorna basic of this context, therefore is the universal language and oinstrumento for which the people can communicate themselves.