
If You know to write an email and to sail in the Internet, is ready to be able to gain his first dollars by the Internet. So that it can understand the steps well to follow, I am going to give a small lesson to him of economy. In order to be able to sell any product, You need 3 things basically: I. Demand: it must have people interested in buying what You are trying to sell. II.

Market: it must have a place in which You can offer the product III. Traffic: it must have a way to attract buying potentials. Based on these very simple principles, it can follow the following steps to make money by Internet: I. To investigate the Demand 1. – To make a study of market and to see that type of products is in great demand. It can look for in Googletrends,, in the Hispanic section of speech.

In order to know the tendencies present, also he is very useful to review in that area people is buying more books in 2. – To look for a product of affiliation in him or the areas that You have found. An affiliation product is the product of another person by who You gain one commission-who in the Internet can gets to be more from the 50%-each time that sells a product. II. To settle down in the Market 3. – Abrir an account in It is a method very simple to accept payments from any part of the world and in addition he is gratuitous abrir an account in 4. – To register like affiliate in the program of affiliates of him or the products that You wanted to sell. This does not have cost some. It indicates his account of Paypal to receive his commissions here. 5. – In the program of affiliates they are going to give a connection to him towards the page of sales of the product that is exclusively his. Whenever somebody buys through its connection, the car of purchases of the salesman of the product is going to register the sale like a sale hers. The problem is that these connections are very long and ugly, for that reason is necessary ” disfrazarlos” with an own dominion () shorter and showy. It can less than buy these them in many parts in the Web by US$10. is a good place. III. To generate Traffic 6. – An investigation Does about the product and writes articles on excellent subjects to him. It inserts his connection disguised at the end of each article and sends his article to a good article directory. is a good option. 7. – Another very effective way to generate traffic is with videos. Youtube is one of the visited sites more of the Internet. Asegrese of which its disguised connection is throughout all the film. In addition its Link can raise its social pages, like facebook, or mandrselos to its knowing by email.