ISIF Investors

Recently around the International School of Investments and Finance appeared too much controversy. Someone said that ISIF – scam and a pyramid scheme, but someone thinks its a great start to a decent future. What is this mysterious company, and what services it actually provides? Let's first sort out what is a pyramid scheme, and meets its criteria ISIF. So, the most simple definition is as follows. Ponzi scheme – a fraudulent scheme in which the victim is forced to invest the promise of fabulous income, but really just use the newly borrowed funds to pay investors insist on the cancellation of their investments. In other words, this fraudulent structure where income investors, formed from the resources that make other investors.

ISIF clearly does not fit the above definition, not least because that is not investment or financial company, which calls for investing money into it. ISIF – International School is an interactive investment and finance, which offers its wish educational courses and its own system of education. That is, you want – the tuition fee and becomes a student, you do not want – for your ears you there no one pulls. Then pay for education – is a contribution for interest in the investment company, is a simple commodity-money relations. So, apparently, those who decided to put on the ISIF stamp scam, just vigilant, but, alas, is not competent hunters pyramid scheme. Although it is possible the next time they really be able to expose the true financial pyramid – then we are very grateful to them.