Korea Isolation

Everything changes with the exception of the fashions that are repeated once in a while, not if all this invented and if all the histories has been written already but to be original is difficult in the times of the global communication seems that all this within reach of the hands of any person, mainly as far as information it talks about for that reason there are countries that see the fax and in everything what a negative element by something so simple comes from the outside that it is abrir the mind to other horizons and forms of life and that to the regimes that live in their bubble and are closed to all the external influences. To close itself in one same one does not have anything of positive is good for being receptive to which it happens around to ours, to live within the society means to be in contact with the enemy and so it surrounds to us, the things surround that us influence to us, music, the clothes everything evolve but the society not always goes to the speed to which to one it would like but everything repeats the stations of the year, the days, the months, the fashions and the political situations there are times military of peace, of rain drought To be open to world means to know what happens next to us, to read is good stimulus not to live in a bubble and to also travel abre to the mind I do not understand since there is people whom it does not like to read, nor to travel and prefer to live isolate on everything. The isolation is not good and the best test is those countries that do not let to their people know what happens outside its borders. The isolation is not good for anything or anybody, but that in places where there are dictatorships favors this attitude so that it thinks that everything what comes from the outside is bad. Cuba is an isolation example. Korea is a good example of isolation. There are many but examples but would not want to crush the reader. The conclusion is that to be isolated he is bad but mainly so that the perspective one is lost on the global vision of the things.