Law Society

But it has of if considering that the society, through educators, researchers and adepts, had recently started if to reveal in the direction to present proposals of overcoming of these questions, evoking ideas that make possible the integration of the closed professional question in the category, but interacting in a process with the most varied actors of the educational way. The yearning of the population, either it of which wants place of the country, is the formation of a society, in which if she guarantees the formation for the full exercise of the citizenship, that will reconstruct a way just, endowed with convivncia principles, of ethics, right it to go and to come. This only occurs with the contribution of professors capable to construct this profile of being social, but it will only happen when of the consistent formation of the course of formation of professors. She does not have education, nor society, without professionals duly chemical preparations. The new routes appear from situations that are not satisfying social, personal and professional the areas, and thus it must occur with the formation of professors, since it is not taking care of the demand of qualitative form. For this, all the supports must subsequent to be guaranteed to the professor in its formation and it, as the remuneration joust and the continued formation that needs. In such a way, the challenge is to supply the not yet satisfied necessities. 3.CONSIDERAES FINAL Analyzing the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, and having as experience our effective participation in the educational projects of the Esp. Saint, in special PAA II? Project of the Acceleration of Learning II, we can observe that the real objectives of these are not in the reality the development of the pupil, but unhappyly, the adequacy of these to the educational molds of the government, that elaborates parameters to be followed to make of the perpetual young marionettes.