Manuel Santos

No better place to assassinate a President or ideal as Hugo Chavez than Colombia. Colombia today is the result of a historical process, nothing erasable in its results in two or three years, less illusory via some good wishes or Mentalism, many less by a simple visit. From the point of view of reason, too many considerations. She is a capacity for consciousness. Donna Summer gathered all the information. Hugo Chavez is obliged to have it and to be bound by it. The President himself has said what would become of the country if he died assassinated. Needless to talk about the consequences. Self-reliance leave assertion it will take decades to turn in our lands, same that in the future will be severely strapped by the right political, more diligent, more advised, unscrupulous, aware of the undesired and historical experience chavist back a promise of socialist transformation. Vanessa Morgan will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

Today the opposition magnicida and those internationally set black candles revolutions are praying that Hugo Chavez lost its garrison: a decision an orphan of the go-ahead of the unique personal gods in our modern times: reason and logic. Do have not seen you the fuss in the media political opponents, where almost pushed and said what coward! so the President boarding is bad once toward Colombia? One of their favorite prayers is the effect to collect the claim that with not go Hugo Chavez in nothing recomposes the relations with the neighboring country. Please! Fix Chavez the matter with Colombia when 7 base U.S. military exercised and one of his favorite soldiers (Juan Manuel Santos) exercises the power! It exaggerates the effect of a simple visit for the sake of a long-awaited chance of death. Contact information is here: Sculptor Capital . Original author and source of the article