Natural Mathematics

The first attempt of autonomy was given with the Regency (1830-1841), but only was with the Announcement of Republic that Brazil was broken up definitively of Portugal. This fact took the men of letters of century XIX to explore the subject of the nationalism. The search of ' ' symbols that translate our life social' ' , it affirms Araripe Jnior. The simbolistas searched to integrate the poetry in the cosmic life, using an indirect and appeared language. It still fits to stand out that the difference between the Symbolism and the Parnasianismo is not first in the form, since both use certain formalismos (use of soneto, of metric the traditional one, of you rhyme them rich and rare and of rich vocabulary), but in the content and the vision of world of the artist.

Although to follow some aesthetic effect of the Parnaso, this movement disrespected the traditional grammar with intention not to limit the art to the object, working msticos and sentimental contents, using for in such a way the sinestesia (mixture of sensations: tato, vision, olfato). This literary chain gave exclusive attention to the submerged substance of ' ' eu' ' , exploring it by means of a pessimistic language musical comedy, in which the emotiva load of the words is salient; the poetry comes close to music using aliteraes. POETICAL AND the STYLE OF CROSS AND SOUSA AND ALPHONSUS GUIMARAENS AND AUGUSTUS OF the ANGELS the poet Joo de a Cruz and Sousa was born in Deportation (current Florianpolis) in day 24 of November of 1861, son of blacks alforriados, since small received the guardianship and a refined education from its former-Mr., the Marshal Guillermo Xavier de Sousa – of who it adopted the family name. Frenchman, Latin learned and Greek, beyond having been disciple of the German Fritz Mller, with who he learned Natural Mathematics and Sciences.