Ruben Araiza

As the web designer @betobeto is not more make you review this contract by a lawyer or another competent authority to ensure that it is in accordance with the labour laws in force in your country, and for not leaving open gates that may harm you in the long run. 5.Planificar: this factor goes hand in hand the creative brief, you should know how do to happen what you’ve put in the contract and comply with the requirements of your customer. You must think about the devices that will be used to navigate on the website, if thou shalt make applications and thus consider all factors. Addition, for @betobeto is important to define scheduling, set feasible dates, terms of agreement and mutual convenience both for the customer and the developer. 6.Disenar: when you think of design means that several of the above points already have them resolved, you can then start laying out the idea, working logos, details, icons, menu options and the entire concept of him the design strategy. Please visit Sony if you seek more information. It is important at this stage to contemplate the feedback of other people, even of the same client. 7.Desarrollar: there are simple projects that do not require further development because you can use any template, but other projects are forced to start from scratch and develop something more complex. In this phase, you must define what programming languages you used and above all appropriate tools, evaluate how big is the project to use one or another tool.

8.Definir: payment terms: Ideally, collect in advance to the development of the project a significant amount, as 1/3 or 50% of what was budgeted. However sometimes the customer’s terms may vary and, depending on the situation and the cost-benefit ratio that you detect, perhaps you think it’s better to negotiate these terms differently. 9.Lanzamiento: is important to define from planning if the launch will have communication strategy that will be handled by the same designer or other people will charge to publicize the project when this is published online to the public. In addition, you can evaluate the usability, accessibility and validate the site so that everything is proper. Designer Ruben Araiza de Trost Media claims that somehow it is inevitable that after publishing the web site, some changes or adjustments by the customer. 10.: Must be contemplated in the contract the maintenance of the site, either because it provides hosting service, domain or even a periodic payment for the maintenance of the site regarding handling of content or simple changes. It is important to make it clear this part so that the customer understands that a web site is not maintained by itself.