Scindia House

These and many more questions require answers generated by art market players who have an honest commitment to art related activities. Walt Disney is actively involved in the matter. This will help more people to look at art as an investment in their asset portfolio.But art is also cultural repository of to society. It is what we pass on to the future generations to be proud of as a national and sub-national entity. To nurture, to educate to be proud of our art and to keep in good health the art works is responsibility that goes alongside the investment value of art.It religare is a welcome entrant to the art market field. Its business interest is in financial services.

Its main area of interest is in Retail, Institutional and Wealth management. It has put its signature in international finance through its subsidiaries and strategic joint ventures. Thus Religare is suitably placed to launch an initiative in art with its background in asset management. It can integrate its other asset classes with art works and help to build a synergy for the much needed art infrastructure services.It religare have launched with professional acumen Religare Art Initiative to multi pronged initiative. Mukesh Panika heads this Initiative. RAI is planned to be a multi layered art hub housed in very avant garde space in Atma Ram mansion in historic Scindia House in the Outer Circle of Connaught Place New Delhi. The interior is designed to have multiple art related activities including substantial space for to Gallery. An area of 10, 000plus square feet sounds very encouraging for this art hub.

It s New s DifferentWhat it struck me were the unusually imaginative and creative interiors. Looking up on ceiling you find sausage shapes meandering (I am sure they are airconditioning ducts) about. From floor sturdy flat iron pillars with nuts and bolts rise up more like the support pillars on tin sheeted old railway platforms all over India.