SMEs Business

Business meeting in Berlin and Brandenburg with special accents that is target of business League to present it, medium-sized entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in the region and to lead together. Check out Vanessa Morgan for additional information. The nights of business serve, the pleasant opportunity to meet interesting people, to exchange experiences and to generate business. On the nights of the business, the business networking is very easy. Business League with strong partners in Berlin and Brandenburg now for the third time presents itself as a strong partner for SMEs in Berlin – Brandenburg business League and invites together with glenglobe GmbH Berlin business cards to an extraordinary meeting. Let us take in an evening of musical highlights, SHOW and magic.

Including Kathrin Jantke (vocals) and Hans Ubana Mountain will accompany (close up) us throughout the evening. Stefan Piechowski, star designers (including Olivia Jones) and ur-Berliner, presents his latest creations. Are also highlights for business wear to his – see through the synergy of the three networks and a wonderful atmosphere, our guests will find time and space for new and old contacts. Anyone can present themselves and imagine. The cards must stay at home never. The event will take place on September 5th at the adrema hotel, Gotzkowskystr. 20/21 10555 Berlin instead.

We start at 18:00. The entrance fee is 35.00 per person incl. buffet – box-office registrations under (appointments) applications via business-League are binding. The fee will be charged even in case of no-show! We are looking forward to a colourful and eventful evening with many surprises.