Special Relativity Theory: Critical Notes

The special theory of relativity: the criticisms Kochetkov Viktor Nikolaevich Senior Specialist Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Center for operation of the space infrastructure (Federal State Unitary Enterprise” TsENKI) 1. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit castle harlan. Introduction. For a start I would like to say a few words about the history of the special theory Relativity (SRT). At the end of the XIX century between the two branches of physics – mechanics and electrodynamics – there were serious contradictions. On the one hand, classical mechanics, we used the principle of Galilean relativity, Approves the full equality of reference frames moving relative to each other uniformly. On the other hand, in electrodynamics the motion of particles and fields described in the absolute frame of reference, the coordinates which were rigidly connected to the ether. Under ether understood the medium filling the global space, and in which all physical processes occur, including electromagnetic waves. At that time, physicists thought that reduction of classical mechanics, in line with electrodynamics is only necessary to confirm the existence of the ether wind.

To determine the magnitude of the ether wind in 1881, 1886 – 1887’s A. Michelson and E. Moli were conducted experiments. But the experiment gave a negative result: ethereal wind was not registered. As a result, the theory of electrodynamics with air seemed secure confirmed by experiments, is not consistent with the classical mechanics.